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Old 01-12-2011, 12:52 PM   #358
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by masterhickle View Post
I never said he was a good Vlad. Hell, I think that any Vlad that prioritizes harassing over last hitting before level 5 or 6 isn't the greatest Vlad in the world. Vlads ought to focus on last hitting to rush a Warmog's Armor. That Vlad was stupid and I punished him for it. What made it worse is that he didn't adjust his strategy. At all.

Edit: There have been very few times when I haven't been able to recover from being forced back to heal when I'm in mid. It isn't that difficult to stabilize if you're halfway competent.

I was just calling you out on an extremely generalized statement. Also, a Vlad in mid should be able to kill whoever he's laning against at level 6 or 7 in MOST cases.

You're entertaining me Mina. Please, keep trying to put me down. At least Dragun is decent about what he says.
Vlad, rushing Warmog's?
Theorycrafting has obviously not done you shit, warmogs isn't good at all on Vlad. You're fucking retarded.
That 3k or whatever bullshit Warmog's costs you would be way better spent on Sorc's and Sprit Visage maybe Mejais so you have your core items right off the bat.
Jesus christ I was just siding with mina before cause he's my friend, but now I know you're dumb lmao.
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