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Old 12-25-2010, 01:25 AM   #16
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Default Re: Why is it so.....

Originally Posted by OneHandNow View Post
My profile is a good example of good usage of repeated images.. take a look. Does it irk you a lot?
It irks me, but not so much as the people who decide they want this (but smaller) for a repeated image:

Originally Posted by bmah View Post
If people didn't want their profiles to be read, they would make it private only to those on their friend list, or outright close their profiles. I don't think camouflaging text is supposed to be some deterrent, because there are better ways of having people not read your profile.
Some people don't think of that, trust me. You'd think they would, but many people don't....from the few people I've encountered on other sites and a few on FFR that I asked "Why, it's annoying..." that's the answer they gave me. They don't really care if people read, but it's a deterrent. One such response was "So only people who actually cared what I have to say would read it."

The complete lack of logic that response had confused me. Even if I didn't have to highlight it, I'd only read if I cared what you had to say. :V

But about people who do this, I haven't even seen so many of these profiles to be honest. Only about 4-5.... >_>
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