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Old 12-8-2010, 01:01 PM   #283
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Default Re: League of Legends

Nah. Gotta be the juggernaut that absorbs all the damage.

I'll let my secret out....

Masteries: 0/9/21 (armor, mr, and health regen based on your max mana in defense; improve ghost, increased health and mana regen, increased movement speed in support)

Summoner Spells: Ghost and Cleanse (always)

Boots of Swiftness
Rod of Ages
Force of Nature
Spirit Visage
Randuin's Omen

The only items in this build that I view as optional are Randuin's Omen and Manamune.

Singed needs to be the fastest thing on the battlefield. Boots of Swiftness, Force of Nature, Cleanse, and his amazing ult let this happen.

It's obvious why Rod of Ages is in there. If you can't understand why, go read Singed's (that's always been hard for me to say...) passive. If you still can't figure it out then....

Force of Nature is more than just a magic resist item. It adds a lot of health regen and gives a nice movement speed boost.

Spirit Visage further increases how much he regens while he's using his ult.

Randuin's Omen helps him be the fastest sonfab!tch on the battlefield. Nice armor boost, hp/5, and a passive chance to slow attackers (or is it just always on-hit?). Not to mention that wonderful active.

It was always a toss-up what his last item would be. It was more or less what I felt like getting..... Until the inception of Manamune. With the mana buff from it, not only does he gain AD, he also gains health.

If the game isn't too magic heavy, or is even physical heavy, I'll use this build. Physical damage doesn't worry me too much because of Randuin's (plus, if things get scary, Ghost+Ult+Cleanse). If I need to, I'll swap out Randuin's and Manamune for Guardian Angel and Banshee's Veil (I'm actually thinking about making Banshee's Veil a standard item because of the mana bonus on it, and overall just being an amazing defensive item).

Again, I say: Singed is such a beast~
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