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Old 12-7-2010, 03:35 PM   #397
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Default Re: Is it wrong to be gay?

it really doesn't matter if the love is physical vs. "emotional." i don't think its in the least a stretch to posit that gay people are probably -sexually- attracted to people of the same gender. the point of the pedophilia comparison is to illustrate two apparently inborn sexual preferences, one of which we are extremely uncomfortable condoning.

it is important to distinguish, though, the difference between pedophilia, and having sex with children. the attraction in and of itself is not harmful. having sex with children -is- harmful. we have a tendency to assume the very worst of anyone with a predilection for youthful qualities (a preference i imagine is present to some degree in a lot more people than we acknowledge), because we are aware of the repercussions caused by acting on that predilection.

homosexuality, on the other hand, is neither harmful in thought nor practice. it involves (presumably) two consenting adults and is not the business of the state or anyone else. it really is that simple. the choice vs. non-choice debate (aside from revealing how glaringly misinformed many people are) is pretty irrelevant but somehow that becomes the central issue every time the topic comes up
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