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Old 11-24-2010, 12:08 PM   #389
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Default Re: Is it wrong to be gay?

Originally Posted by SpookG View Post
Earlier puberty is much more likely the result of epigenetics than any kind of psychological manhandling. I don't really believe that those kinds of physical body processes can be forced through psychological behavior.

But since I'm mostly trained in emergency medicine, I'm willing to be soft on the view if you can successfully argue it, just understand I'm going to retain skepticism.

Unrelated, no, it's not wrong. Intelligent people are more experimental, and that doesn't mean it's always good to push the limits. It just means you're more willing to try new things. It's an evolutionary advantage for the species, and a double-edged sword for the individual. I look at being gay that way, if you are to push me to nail it down. Take what you want from that.
Not sure if I completely misread your post or not, but are you implying that gay people have an element of choice in their decision to be gay?

That's pretty interesting. I personally have always thought that they're born that way. But that's only because a majority of the gay people I've met claim that it wasn't their choice.
Originally Posted by ?
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