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Old 11-22-2010, 11:38 PM   #3
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Default Re: Batch Review Thread v2.0


Judge Team 3


Down (TC_Halogen)
Beat 274, would've thought a jump placement like [34] would feel better than the [4] note alone but this is just me. M78-81 those pattern placements are awkward and are begging to hit boos when playing when you got stuff like [2][3][4][34][4] and so on. Would much rather prefer patterns that are less one handed bias especially at this speed. Layering is solid and easy to follow. +

Honki Sentai Majirenjaa -MAJI eurobeat version- (bmah)
M69+ once the rainbow guitar solo notes come in the patterns become slightly awkward. Especially at M72 where the patterns don't roll of the fingers well as you have rainbow polyrhythms with two [23] jump placements which is just awful to hit. M74, I would shift the 64th notes to something not left handed, even if you can hit the [24][1] patterns as hands. M76+, the mini-jacks are rather hard from the jump placements which makes it dense/difficult to read. Personally, I would just keep it as straight 16th stream. M114+ the 16th jumpjacks are questionable, but I can see what you were trying to do. Fairly solid layering, just a lot of patterns don't sit well with me. +?

In A Trance Redux (rushyrulz)
Way too much copy and pasting or repetition of the exact same patterns, which leaves out variation in your pattern usages. Chart becomes a lot more lackluster and boring as a result. M27+ I'm not feeling this BPM change at all when not much changed in the song and clearly isn't being used for colour theory. 32nds are difficulty spikes; If you're going to throw them in, at least make the layering more dense to balance off. M88+ I don't follow that layering at all and it breaks the flow of the file. M93+ I don't understand those jump placements, especially when you transition the same layering into single notes immediately afterwards which makes no sense. Not the best song choice to step since there's nothing interesting to layer and the chart overall is too inconsistent and boring. -

Infectious (Xandertrax & MeaCulpa)
Mini-jacks add nice variation but might be difficult for beginner/intermediate players to combo. M80+ is leaning to the left side too much which causes a lot of patterns to be more awkward to hit than it should be. Should probably vary them up more to make it flow better and make it much more pleasing to hit (e.g. starting the patterns off with [1] immediately after the [14] jumps is an awkward transition). M93-95 the layering transition to the jumps for percussion is just plain sloppy and doesn't feel right since it's not consistently being layering before or after. Beat 442.5, avoid the [2][1][2] mini trills during this part because it's awkward to hit and this part is already enough of a difficulty spike. Change the patterns to something easier to hit, preferrably something not one handed. M122+ same deal here. M126+ is fine because the patterns roll off the fingers smoothly. Layering is fairly solid, just needs some pattern tweaks. +?

Islamey (Xandertrax)
Jumpjack patterns are horribly placed and overused. Layering is generally accurate aside from all the jumpjacks you dumped in. I just simply don't find this enjoyable to playthrough aside from the difficulty/scoring factor. Pretty much borderlines dump. ?

It's a Zombie's World (potter_rocks_out_loud)
Jumps are inconsistently layered. M28+ is inaccurate and offsync for whatever reason. Layering in general is all over the place where sometimes it makes sense while other times it's completely off sync and makes no sense. -

It's Only Natural (blueguerrilla)
M61+ mega rainbow trill is a HUGE difficulty spike and would be too tricky to PA. Probably change that to stream to make it easier to hit. Layering is solid and easy enough to follow. +.

It's Raining Lolis!! (Hallelujah!) (Ghakimx)
8th jacks in this seem a bit much for a relatively easy file. Jump placements get pretty boring when you start repeating them over and over again so possibly shift a few jump placements around to make this more interesting to playthrough. Layering is easy enough to follow, just repetitive and lackluster overall. +?

Jamais Deux (Dossar)
I noticed one thing about this and it's that the majority of the notes reside inside [2] and [3] for the most part which I found pretty strange. Aside from a bunch of patterns that are very awkward to hit, this was fairly solid. I don't see a reason to reject this aside from pattern fixes. +.

Kirby 64 - Forest (Xandertrax)
Nothing wrong with this other than the fact that it was very repetitive and uninteresting. Solid as an easy file. +.

Lightning Strikes Again (cedolad)
Jacks at this speed are awkward to hit. File as a whole leans too much to the left side which creates a lot of awkward pattern placements in general. Thought much more of the percussion could've been layered with jump placements. Overall, too awkward to playthrough and way too repetitive which makes this more lackluster than it should. ?

Little Star (Silvuh)
Beat 33.5, I would shift either the 8th or 96th/192nd note placement else where to avoid the [12] jump you'd have to hit and the 16th mini-jack that it creates. Beat 69.5, same deal. Beat 70, think you could remove one of those 96th/192nd notes because you'd have to hit this as a hand which I think you'd want to avoid for a file like this that's aimed towards beginners. Beat 85, same deal about the hand thing except either get rid of the green note all together or turn the 4th jump into a single note. Beat 97.5, same deal about the hand. Beat 101.5, I'd say change the [23] jump into [34] to avoid that mini-jack. Nitpicks aside, layering is solid and easy to follow. Just technical and pattern tweaks are needed to pass from me. +?

Loituma Basshunter Remix (championanwar)
M58+ could use some jump placements on the 4ths to layer the cymbal crash to keep it consistent with the jump placement you put over at M51. Layering is solid and patterns flowed well. +.

Luigi's Mansion (8bit Showdown Mix) (Xandertrax)
Layering is solid but I'm not fond of a lot of the jump placements during the jumpstream parts. File overall is very repetitive which makes this a lot more lackluster to playthrough than it should be. Personally, after the first time it repeats I already got bored out of my mind. A cut would've been good for this but perhaps changing up the patterns for variation would make this more interesting. +?

Metropolis (eastsideman09)
M37, pattern is awkward to hit, especially with that [23] jump placement. Probably try to shift the notes around to make it roll off the fingers better. Pretty much my only nitpick about this. Layering is solid and flows well despite the file being on the repetitive side. +.

MJ39934_Field of Snow (Stavie33)
Not particularly fond of all those mini-jacks transitioning into quad placements. Feels too overemphasized. M50+ you're missing a few piano chord jumps/hands. M54+ the layering transition is sloppy and breaks the flow of the file. M58+ another sloppy layering transition. Also density inconsistency when the parts before this was dense but all of a sudden you decide to tone down the layering when there wasn't much of a significant change in the song. A lot of the empty gaps can be filled in with 8th notes. M84+, same deal here. Hands at M123 are too overemphasized. Overall, layering is decent but too many things that bug me for me to pass this off. ?

Monday (psychozerosk8er)
Jump at M47 was randomly placed which is awkward. There are barely any jump placements in this chart, so at the very least you could throw a few in to balance it off and add variation in layering. M73, I don't understand why you would keep them all the same jump when the sound you're layering is ascending. You should continue to use jump placements to follow as such. Layering transition at M79 is too abrupt and awkward. Patterns in general aren't very pitch relevant which makes this a bit quirky to playthough. I feel that this was pretty much Ctrl+R'd because a lot of the steps don't seem relevant to the song at times and the times you decided to use jumps didn't fit all that well when there were plenty of opportunities to use them elsewhere. -

NaiNai 69 (Coolboyrulez0 + _.Spitfire._)
M17, 64th jack might be a bit much. Personally, I would change the [23] jumpjacks into something else as I find those to be a bit harder to hit than the other patterns in this file. Layering is solid despite being on the repetitive side. Replayable for scoring. +.

Naruto Theme - Sea. 4 (samurai7694)
Should've followed more of the prominent synth rather than the background ones because as an easy chart, it becomes hard to follow for beginners. M26+ is a difficulty spike since you barely have any 16th note placements before this measure to balance it off and signify the player that it's about to get harder+more complex. Layering is decent but I don't think this would warrant a pass from me. ?

naTivEfAcE (Darkslave)
M19 the layering transition here is awkward and becomes hard to follow. Should've kept layering in some 12th notes to go to the swing in this song to keep the chart flowing and make it easier to follow. M34+ you should've layered the cymbal crashes with jumps to keep it consistent. M40+ the hi-hats could be layered with jumps for variation and emphasis. Missing jump placement at M43 which is very crucial. Also the layering transition here was also sloppy and awkward. Should've kept layering the melody. M46+ you completely stop layering in the percussive jumps which is inconsistent with the measure beforehand. M86+ jumps for cymbal crashes should be layered in. Overall, the jump usage in this really confused me and it was very inconsistent from how many times you decide to change up layering. -

Northern Lights (0)
I feel that all of the breaks in between the 16th streaming could use a few notes layering the vocals to start off the streams because it seems very empty and with notes layered in to follow the vocals that start before the stream, it'd fill in the emptier gaps and transition into the stream much better. Also, the pattern choices for the 16th stream parts barely have any variation to it and feels very repetitive as a result for re-using the same patterns. Probably shift a lot of the note placements around to make it more varied so you aren't hitting the same patterns over and over again. Layering is solid overall so with a few pattern tweaks and those extra notes I'd pass this off. +?

Oh lord, your wife just got run over by an ice cream truck (t-rogdor)
File's sync drifts. Jump placements were all over the place and were used very consistently. For a short file, I feel this needs to be layered with more jump placements since there are a lot of prominent sounds in the song itself that would be much better expressed with them. Needs a rehaul. -

Opening (SSBM) (Xandertrax)
M27, the pattern transition from the [13][24] 16th jumptrills into the 24th rolls is awkward to hit. Megatrill at M51 is a HUGE difficulty spike especially when you have all those jump placements layered in that aren't easy to hit. Honestly if you want to keep this megatrill, shift all the jump placements so you can hit them with one hand on either [12] or [34] otherwise I'd suggest watering it down the 24ths to 16ths. Megatrill at the end I'm fine with as it doesn't have any awkward jump placements. Layering is solid and patterns weren't too awkward as I usually find in all your files. Fix up the pattern transition and the megatrill with jumps and I'd pass this off. +?

Over The Ocean (npv)
The [12][2][12] pattern placements are begging to hit boos for most players so personally I would shift those note placements elsewhere. 12th jack at Beat 243 is sudden and awkward to hit. If you want to keep the mini-jack for the percussion then probably shift the 12th note elsewhere but make the 16th a mini-jack instead. Mini-jacks at the ending measures are slightly tricky but aren't that hard to hit. Overall, layering is solid and file as a whole is enjoyable. +

Over the Rave F.O.R. Remix (Cyrenics)
I feel that more of the percussion could've been layered in with jump placements because it's very prominent in the song and the majority of your placements layer the not as prominent cymbal crashes. M42+ the pattern is slightly awkward to hit so probably shift the notes around to not revolve around [1] and [2] as much. Beat 170, trill transition into the [3] jack is awkward as well. Change the trill to a roll or some variation to make it roll off the fingers better. Beat 222, I feel that all the notes after the [34] jump aren't really needed and you could pretty much stop stepping at this exact moment. Overall layering for this is solid and fairly enjoyable. Would probably pass this off with pattern tweaks. +?

Overdrive (bluguerrilla)
M68-76, I don't quite get what those 8th jumps are going to. Thought you'd continue layering the bass with 4th jumps. 32nd burst at M389 is a bit awkward to hit. A few of the long jumpjacks are a bit awkward to hit as well, but overall layering is solid and well transitioned which makes this more interesting to playthrough. +

Pathos (cedolad)
Nothing blatantly wrong with the layering aside from a few jumps and rainbow notes that could've been layered in that you left out. Short and straightforward for a beginner file, just a bit lackluster. +.

Perfect Insanity (customstuff)
M50+ you're missing both a few note placements and 8th jumps to layer the guitar rifts to keep the file flowing and consistent. Before M58, shift the 64th elsewhere so it doesn't form that unnecessary mini-jack. M95+ same deal as both of the aforementioned. M119 is off sync and note placements are wrong. Also, I'm not feeling the colour theory here when not much changed in the song. M135+ the 8th jacks really don't emphasize much and would be better off as stream. BPM gimmicks were nice additions and you had a few innovative ideas. Layering isn't too bad but inconsistent at times. A lot of copy pasting which makes this very repetitive and boring to playthrough. Going to need some rehauls on pattern usages and note placements and double checking the sync. ?


Down: only real comment is i suggest layering in the kick 61.5 onward until the next section starts [+]

field of snow: tone down the hand and quad usage along with the jack usage and work on your pr also try halving the bpm in the beginning so it isnt just red everywhere and it'll be good. i remember giving you a pretty in depth review of this file prior to ffr going offline. dont know if you actually changed the file since though. [?]

Honki Sentai Majirenjaa: started out real great. once the vocals came in you chose to ignore them which wouldve been good had there been enough going on to keep it interesting but you just left me with 8th note trills which was pretty bland. im not saying add jumps to the vocals but follow them instead. it would also make more sense to step the vocals because later on in the file you actually start placing jumps to the vocals. some difficulty inconsistencies throughout the files especially that guitar solo jesus o_o. maybe try to step one or the other but stepping them both leaves awkward patterns and a giant diffiuclty spike. other than that the file was pretty fun dont really have much to say other than tone it down a bit maybe add some hands since trying to make the file match the highest difficulty spike would lead to gay overstepping.[+.]

{lazy summer days}: pr issues in the beginning. what th-what do those 24ths go to at 28.102 ?_?. oh ok i see what they go to probably shouldnt step that little buzz since its hardly audible and the rest of the file is just 8th js. tone down that 24th trill to 16ths maybe. missing 4th notes in places. very repetitive. [-]

[In A Tran Redux]: haha i remember playing this file. yeah no, layering inconsistencies everywhere. pm me if you want me to go super in depth [-]

Infectious: very cool song id actually play this more than once if it got in game. not sure why you have the intro stepped like that but w/e its on sync. listen to the song again on a lower rate and you'll notice you're missing an 8th note every once in a while. at 21.93 and every time that repeats is where you're missing the note. vary up your patterns please PLEASE it seriously ruins the file. never stop layering the snare because it makes the file feel empty. only places you shouldnt layer the snare is during those 24th bursts for the guitar solo. the file goes offsync at least for me at 141.08. at 207.852 you should keep stepping how you were stepping instead of all of a sudden making the guitar jumps. again this file has potential just too much stuff wrong with it to even give it a light accept [?]

Islamey:file was alright just needs a better mp3 [?]

[It's A Zombie's World]: this would make a pretty sweet easy file.the only thing holding this file back is the difficulty inconsistencies[?]

It's Only Natural: notes are early by a 64th. what that first jump go to? add some jumps to the snares when you arent adding jumps to the vocals and you're good to go [+.]

It's Raining Lolis:notes are early by a 24th. file is boring, inconsistent and the song is lol [-]

Jamais Deux:notes are early by a 32nd. other than pr issues and weird jump usage the file doesnt flow very well and you ignore sounds that should be stepped to fill in some of the empty spaces. seems like you tried making it a toned down hard version. just fix up some of the patterns to make it flow more and fix the pitch issues and you have a full accept from me[+.]

Kirby 64 - Forest: pattern variance and a cut, this file needs it. other wise not a bad file [?]

Lightning Strikes Again: i take it the yellow jump at 27.15 was a mistake. imo you should just step the guitar and layer in the snares instead of stepping the bass kick. need some pattern major pattern variance. [?]

Little Star: minor pr issues mainly subjective ones [+]

Lolituma BassHunter Remix: Agree with gdude so check his notes [+.]

Luigi's Mansion (8bit Showdown Mix): cut the song please. stop copying and pasting so much. yeah the melody repeats in the song but that doesnt mean your patterns have to too. whats with the sudden jump from stream to js when the song hasnt changed its pace? [?]

Metropolis: check for awkward pattern transitions like at 78.94. also check pr on lower rates and like i mentioned on luigi's mansion, just because a section in the song repeats that doesnt mean the file has to. [+.]

Monday: cut the first half and keep the second half, fix some pr issues and you got yourself a pretty ok easy file [+.]

Nai Nai69:see it's raining loli's [-]

Naruto Theme-Sea. 4: file goes offsync at 35.74. maybe change the trill at 70.0 to 16th gallops? same with the following trill maybe. other than that file is solid [+.]

nativeface: you have some extra notes sprinkled around the entire file as well as missing notes going to percussion. look over the file again on a lower rate to make sure you have everything and nothing extra or missing. apart from that and the section at 70.3 which i dont understand at all. what exactly are you following here with the 12ths?[?]

northern lights: you got some repetitive sections mainly all of them are in the beginning fix that. you also have some missing 16ths here and there and some missing jumps to the snare. just play the file again on a lower rate to double check everything. other than that i thought the file was pretty fun [+.]

Oh lord, your wife just got run over by an ice cream truck: do we have permission?check your jump usage and your offset. get that fixed and you got it son [?]

Opening (SSBM)get that 24th jump trill outta there and turn that last trill into a stream of some sort too [+.]

Over The Ocean: 77.83 jumps go to what? questionable jump usage but file is fun [+.]

Over the Rave F.O.R. Remix:work on layering and difficulty consistency. the solo at 64.74 is wrong check the sync. file has potential though [?]

OverDrive: jump usage is questionable but the file is fun [+]

Pathos: chill song chill file. check your jump usage and check to see if you're missing anything. namely the 24th bursts in the beginning. if you're going to add grace notes add grace notes everywhere not just randomly start adding them in. place a note at the very end of the song too btw [+.]

Perfect Insanity: probably should take those 48ths out at 70.33. you should probably also change those 64ths back to what theyre suppose to be. overall the file starded off strong but the kept going down hill. questionable layering and you're missing notes everywhere also very copy paste. although i did enjoy the solo that was nicely stepped.the end also makes me want to cringe. why so much jump jacks? [?]


Down (TC_Halogen) [+.]
- file sorta reminds me of slaytronic haha
- be careful with the spins and trills (not too friendly at that BPM with respect to the difficulty of the file)
- also be careful connecting 4th jumps with 8th notes (towards very end) for same reason above
- m35,43: very last yellow note not necessary
- m44: missing last red note
- overall well done

honki sentai majirenjaa (bmah) [+?]
- file was fun, a bit repetitive, but mostly it just needs difficulty to be consistent with song
- m4,8,...: yellow note not necessary
- m10: make the 2nd blue note (3/8 of the measure) a jump?
- m27,29,...: consider placing yellow note at 9/16 for that background synth noise that crops up
- the solo part in the middle was unnecessarily difficult

In A Trance Redux (rushyrulz) [-]
- switches what sounds are being stepped too often, really throws the player off (for example, same type of patterns in m17-19 should be used in m12-15 or vice versa, then change in m20-23 as the song picks up w/ an additional layer of synth noise)
- too many irrational stepfile decisions (ie staircase at m26 has no purpose as there's no sound in the song at that moment that follows that sort of pattern, also doubling BPM seemed kinda pointless too)

Infectious (Xandertrax & MeaCulpa) [+?]
- the intro shouldn't be all red notes with those BPM jumps (since 3/2 * 170 = 255, I assume it was deliberate?)...not a big deal though
- m21-...: might be less awkward to have the 8th chain on column 4 instead of 3
- m27: missing yellow note at 11/16 to bass drum
- m30-...: jacks at this BPM might be too intense for overall file difficulty
- m30: missing 32nd before 1/4 (the 23 red jump) to bass drum
- possibly other technical errors, just comb through the file
- would be nicer to add some color to guitar solos (ie m40, first 4 notes of solo start out as 16ths but speed up, not exactly all 24ths)
- solos in general should be more intense given file difficulty

Islamey (Xandertrax) [-]
- la campanella v24ths with less PR

It's a Zombie's World (potter_rocks_out_loud) [-]
- you should have your files tested by other, more experienced simfile authors. you're close, but lacking technique/stepfile basics
- m10: single red should be jump?
- m14: yellow note in jack should be red note (also, try to make your simfile balanced in difficulty, you have these stark, difficult sections offset by an otherwise super easy file. pull from sounds, like the main melody, to balance your'll also give you a chance to practice sync, layering, and PR)
- m29-30: wrong note intervals (ie yellow jump m29 should be 1/16 down to be red, and on m30 the pattern after the 2nd 32nd note should be red note, then yellow note 1/16 later, then blue note 1/16 later instead of yellow note, then red note 1/16 later)
- comb over file for other sync issues
- m44: use rolls instead of staircase

It's Only Natural (bluguerrilla) [+]
- DAS GUERRILLA-SAN! Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this is /0.o\/SUBJECTIVEMANIAS\/o.0\
- in the chorus, have the jumps follow the main melody instead of every red note
- possibly nicer patterns for fingers? (less spinny, no pain trill to solo?)
- [+] for THEORY

It's Raining Lolis!! Hallelujah! (Ghakimx) [?]
- the name of the song alone wants to make me [-------...]
- very understepped
- dear FFR, you can thank me for protecting your ears from this
- m136-152: should be 12ths instead of 8ths

Jamais Deux (DossarLX_ODI) [+]
- nothing inherently wrong
- would be nicer to see some color action for some bursts to signify speeding/slowing down instead of straight 32nds

Kirby 64 - Forest (Xandertrax) [+.]
- m6-...: the notes don't play backwards, they just go deeper in pitch, so instead of mirroring the pattern, choose a completely different pattern that is not only consistent w/ the overall pitch, but also transitions well (do this for other places too)
- m46,47: missing blue jump?
- repetitive, but ok for easy file i guess
- i'll accept b/c it's short

Lightning Strikes Again (cedolad) [+?]
- nothing inherently wrong as a concept i guess
- very painful and VERY repetitive (my left hand hurts)...if you vary the file more, it would warrant an accept

Little Star (Silvuh) [+.]
- nothing inherently wrong, but kinda boring
- good sync
- possibly get rid of the 16th jacks and tone down some of the color note bursts with jumps? it'll balance the difficulty a bit and make it more of a "solid easy file"

Luigi's Mansion 8bit Showdown Mix (Xandertrax) [?]
- should be cut, kinda boring
- m18,...: might as well layer the main melody here too
- too repetitive, varying the patterns will warrant accept

Metropolis (eastsideman09) [?]
- boring, it's literally the same note intervals for 100+ measures
- nothing inherently wrong, but desperately needs a cut. you can also try doing something more interesting to the file to add replay value

Monday (psychozerosk8er) [+?]
- m12: get rid of blue note?
- m17-25: step that bass synth
- VERY long for an easy file, will accept if you cut

NaiNai 69 (Coolboyrulez0 & _.Spitfire._) [+?]
- m1,3,...: step 2nd red note (at 1/2 of measure) as jump
- long and repetitive, will accept if you cut

Naruto Theme-Sea.4 (samurai7694) [?]
- not gonna lie, i winced so hard when i saw the name of the song that i almost spazz-pressed the "-" key haha
- m6: missing last yellow note
- very imbalanced in terms of difficulty, parts of it want to be an understepped easy file but other parts are fully stepped...either treat the whole thing as an understepped easy file (and cut it), or step all relevant sounds (mainly in the 8th note stream sections, replace those with the main melody)
- overall enjoyable actually, if you comb over this and make it more consistent, i can see myself accepting it

naTivEfAcE (Darkslave) [+?]
- interesting concept, just a few things that throw the player off
- intro patterns should be more pitch relevant
- lot of extra arrows (ie the 23 red jump in m19 and the first 12th note in m20 doesn't follow the main melody, maybe you are trying to layer the bass but then you ignore the bass in m21,22 which confuses the player)
- step the bursts (for example, two 32nd rolls at the end of m32)...up to you
- go through the file and make sure it flows well with the song. it's a difficult balance between staying 100% true to the music (technical and boring) and adding interestingness (fun and replay value) to the file without ruining the flow. i also suggest getting your files playtested by other experienced simfile authors.

Northern Lights (0) [+?]
- it's like an easier southern cross with worse patterns
- possibly add jumps to vocals in the 8th note jumpstream sections? actually it would probably be better if you followed vocals more closely overall
- jump placement needs improvement

Oh lord, your wife just got run over by an ice cream truck (t-rogdor) [-]
- oh lord indeed (i don't understand the name of the song at all haha)
- interesting patterns and note interval choices, makes it very unique but not necessarily flows well with the song
- jump placement needs a lot of work...actually if you layer it w/ more jumps (coherent jumps) and make the patterns more intuitive it would be a nice, short medium difficulty file (like famouz)

Opening SSBM (Xandertrax) [?]
- some parts were annoying/awkward (ie m12-20 triplet patterns...finger-friendly patterns of this nature would be something like (12)34 or (14)23, not (13)24 or (24)34. not saying all have to be finger friendly but you should vary your patterns more to prevent constant awkwardness). others were fun and well done (see triplet usage after m20)
- m27: again that (13)(24) jump chain would be better as (12)(34)...even better would be to replace the yellow jumps with singles
- m28,30: replace 12th jumps with singles?
- m41,43,...: place a blue note at 1/8?
- 24th trill was obnoxious

Over the Ocean (npv) [+.]
- m38: 8th jack runs no longer make that much sense for the chorus
- repetitive
- technically accurate and polished, but would be more fun w/o the chorus 8th jack runs

Over the Rave F.O.R. Remix (TC_Cyrenics) [?]
- pitch relevancy could be better (ie m20: something like 2121313141413131 for the measure would follow the music better)
- some jacks were abrasive (like m39,43)
- jump choices were interesting but sometimes were counterproductive to the flow of the file (ie m1-2 you put jumps to the main melody but drop them in part of m3). it doesn't have to be completely technically accurate, but the file should be fluid and interesting design decisions should accentuate prominent aspects of the song, not throw off the player

Overdrive (bluguerrilla) [?]
- file would be better overall if ya left that poor 4th note bass drum outta it
- missed some burst noises =O (like at the end of the 16th run in m64) FOR SHAME!
- repetitive, should be cut
- jacks warp the difficulty too much

Pathos (cedolad) [+.]
- nothing wrong but nothing special
- short easy file

Perfect Insanity (customstuff) [+.]
- permission?
- interesting file
- last yellow note of m85 should be stepped to bass drum? (and where it repeats as well)


Judge Team 4


Perseverence [-]

-those 32nds at m6 are a) barely audible and b) awful patterns.
-Some jumps feel inconsistent.
-m25 adding random mini jacks in stream? doesn't make much sense. Seems you're adding jump jacks just for the sake of difficulty.
-File has some potential, but forcing difficulty on a file doesn't always work.

Mathematics [+?]

-Well crafted file, although quite repetitive.
-ok very repetitive.

No Running Water [+]

-Very chill file
-Simple yet elegant, great easy file.

Pokémon [-]

-First of all, Pitch relevancy is off right from the start
-m5 the second 4th should be a 16th if you're following the melody. The rest of the melody isn't followed properly here either.
-m6 huge gap with nothing going on?
-m13 this would've worked with two note jacks for the bass piano notes
-m19 overall pr could be fixed here, even in the jumpstream.
-m25 shouldn't be two note trills. If you listen carefully to the piano there's a whole lot else going on.

Prokofiev [+.]

-Not much to complain about here, pr is well done.
-Some parts feel a little repeated. The 16th gallops get a little old after a while.
-Not much diversity but aite I guess.

Pure Ruby [+.]

-m7 the 16th run should start on a lower note (pr)
-m13 I really don't see the need to put random 24th notes.
-m22 16th notes questionable. Don't hear anything prominent to generate those.
-m51 if you're placing jumps to the piano hits, there should be one on the 3rd 4th, and 4th 4th of m52.
-Listen to your piano runs with jumps again. Quite a few jumps missed.
-File has lots of fun value but needs fixes.

Radiant Moonlight [-]

-m5 missed a 16th note after the last 8th, same with m9
-m14 I don't quite understand your layering here. Randomly stop using jumps on some 4th notes?
-After playing the same patterns for 20 measures, it gets old.
-Has some overall inconsistencies

RAN [+]

-Some bursts kinda hard to hit
-m64 if you're going to put a burst after these jump jacks, at least place them on the opposite hand to hit

Rondo a Capriccio [+.]

-Very fun file
-Only complaint is that sometimes your transition between bass piano notes and melody notes is a little inconsistent, however it's at very few areas.
-m102 you sure those are 12ths? I think it was just a mistake.
-Just that little part fixed and it's a guranteed accept

Run Kirby Run [+.]

-Not sure placing jumps to every lead note was the best idear since it looks a little cluttered and dumpstreamy at parts.
-Cool song with fun parts

Saikyou OX Keikaku [-]

-Rebirth's is more accurate and better in general, sorry.

Sakura Blue Sky [+]

-Well layered easy file.
-Literally don't have anything else to say about this lol.
-Have a hail emoticon o/

Shooogun [-]

-m14 these should be 12ths?
-some drum rolls are 32nds, not 24ths
-m29 these are 16ths not 12ths
-lots of rhythms need some looking over.

Smash Podcast [+]

-Short and completely awesome.

Song of the Second Moon [+?]

-these low ass bpms make this impossible to judge lmao.
-m18 these jump jacks you're following must be to some inaudible sound cuz they certainly don't fit
-Don't think there's a whole lot else wrong except for the song being dj donna summers but yea.

Sparkle Downer [+]

-Ugh making me review T11 this late....
-Rhythm wise it's perfectly fine. Patterns are good even for the rainbow dumps
-very well done.

Take up the Cross [-]

-m11 I hear some 32nds in here, if you're going to follow these.
-m12 look over the rhythms again. Second 8th should be a 4th.
-A few parts need some looking over concerning missed rhythms.

The Fusion [+]

-Kinda repetitive as a whole since it's the same rhythms over and over with a few variations.
-File however is excellent. Nothing wrong here.

This Could've Been Nice [+?]

-m16 uhh... 225bpm 16th jacks are a little much man.
-m22 stepping the buzzing sound is fine but at that speed, 64ths are again, a little much
-m78 place the jump jacks on [12] so that the roll lands on [4][3][2][1] and makes it less awkward to hit
-m80 again that jack is ugh
-m118 you definitely need to fix this part up. Way too hard. single notes for the 32nds/24ths and jump trills for the 16ths?
-File is very accurately stepped, just needs some fixing to make it consistent difficulty wise.

Try to Star [+.]

-finally a file I don't have to say pr is wrong at the start lmao.
-m48 feels a little empty compared to the rest. feels like the percussions should be followed.
-m59-60 really, that long of a one handed trill? ugh. At that bpm for the rest of the file it's a little much.
-a few concerns of mine, but an otherwise very fun file.

Voodoo People [+]

-Nothing wrong at all. Pr is spot on.
-Only thing that irks me is starting at m49, there's always a gap where I feel there should at least be a 4th note (on m50 for example) since you're following 4th snare.

White Walls [+.]

-m13 one handed 32nd trill is a no-no
-Some of those hands seem thrown in just to make it harder and fmo.
-m52/53 speeding it up like that making it 4ths and 8ths will probably throw off whoever's playing it on ffr since it's all cmodded.
-Impressive sync and well stepped

Wolf by Night, Human in Dreams [+.]

-Start is pretty repetitive.
-m64 there's a syncopated 12th note you could place to add to the feel of it since you're following percs.

Yellow Lasers [+]

-Coul karaoke steps
-Haha wow.

Yellowknife [-]

-m16 not sure placing those 32nds as trills is very consistent to the difficulty.
-Very repetitive. Basically just the same rhythms with layered jumps.
-Lacks fun value in general.

i love you

Mathematics [Vote4Nixon]

Playtesting: After playing this file, i thought the file flowed well with the song however it starts to drag on due to the song being repetitive. Perhaps a short cut?
Editor: m1-m8 seems fine but then once you got to m9-m13, you suddenly make it under-layered. m13-end, this is where the song gets repetitive so i recommend you to change up patterns for each repeat and to slowly incorporate more instruments and the song progresses to keep the file interesting.
Overall: I think this file was good for the most part but i would consider either cutting the file or editing the patterns so that you give a different aspect of layering during the repetitive parts. [+?]

No Running Water [who_cares973]

Playtesting: This file felt very smooth and had a lot of flow. Something i would expect from Carlos. :')
Editor: Nothing major but i think the file should just end at m41 with a jump since that's where the music literally stops.
Overall: [] I think this file would make a great easy file for FFR. [+]

Perseverance (RuSHeR Remix) [customstuff]

Playtesting: This file had a lot of awkward patterns and other stuff that was completely unnecessary like those random streams you added in the file and that 32nd staircase at the beginning of the file. Also, the file dragged on because of the file itself and the song being so repetitive.
- m6: Why did you add 32nd to a sound that barely audible?
- m9: Where does that 192nd and 48th note go to?
- m10-11: No need for jumpjacks, just make these single 16ths.
- m12-m18: Patterns were decent for the most part but those jumpjacks ruin the flow of your layering.
- m19: Bad PR on rolls. Getting rid of the beginning jack and PR the sound will fix this section.
- m21-24: More PR problems...
- m25-28: Why did you put jacks that doesn't follow the flow of the music?
- m29-36: Layer in the drums and those 24th double trills should be 32nds.
- m39-52: Why did you suddenly step some random, under-layered stream with patterns that doesn't make sense at all when you can clearly hear other things going on?
- m53-54: More gay jacks especially that last long one.
- m58-m71: A lot of inconsistencies and under-layering. Not to mention repetitive again.
- m72: What's up with that random roll and that one 12th note?
- m73-end: Repetitive; horrible color placements; more inconsistent layering and more gay jacks.
Overall: File has a lot of errors and it needs fixing. Not to mention that the song choice sucked. [-]

Pokémon [tj28]

Playtesting: This file felt really empty and started to drag on once those trills started to kick in. Very boring.
- m2-m4: PR gets off by a tad bit.
- m5: You didn't follow the melody properly.
- m6: What's up with the silence?
- m7: Lost track of the melody again.
- m13-m14: Either PR this section or put mini jacks on the bass piano since you can clearly hear it.
- m19-m24: Fixing PR and removing that random stream between m22-m24 and stepping with the music would make this section look a lot better.
- m25-28: There's more going on in this part, you might want to listen carefully.
- m31: I would add in those single 4th notes since it feels a bit unfinished here.
- m32: Add in those base piano sounds in the background.
Overall: File might be decent for an easy file but it has errors and needs improvements. [-]

Prokofiev - Etude No.2 [SKG_Scintill]

Playtesting: This file was pretty fun and definitely something i would replay for sure.
Editor: m16-m20: Small PR issues in minor parts.
Overall: Nice, calm, and re-playable. [+]

Pure Ruby [TC_Cyrenics]

Playtesting: This file just felt out of whack. Very inconsistent layering, poor pattern choices, and a lot of awkward/unnecessary notes. Needs work.
m7: PR issue
m13: Those 24th notes were not needed at all. Remove them completely.
m22: Those 16th notes are not dominant so i would remove those.
m34-m39: Continue stepping the percussion here. It'll keep it more consistent.
m51: You're missing some jumps here. Might want to recheck.
Overall: File has potential but it needs fixes. [+.]

Radiant Moonlight [Bluearrowll]

Playtesting: This file was just PR invested. Felt like you were focusing way too much on the PR perfection and not on the overall feel of the file. Also, it felt quite inconsistent with the jumps on some parts of the song and the pattern usage gets repetitive.
m14: Very inconsistent layering here.
m20-end: Patterns were good but gets quite repetitive and boring throughout. Try mirroring some patterns or re-adjusting so that it's semi PR.
Overall: A lot of inconsistencies that nees to be fixed not to mention the repetitive patterns. [-]

RAN [megamon88]

Playtesting: This file was pretty good. My only complaint is that some of those bursts and jumpjacks were awkward to hit. Definitely something i would like to play again.
Editor: -Blank-
Overall: A well-stepped, re-playable file that would make a great challenging file. [+]

Rondo a Capriccio [Bluearrowll]

Playtesting: I really love the PR patterns used in this file but more layering could have been done as the music progresses because the more intense parts in the music just doesn't match the feel of your steps but rather feels too plain and unfinished.
Editor: Same thing I mentioned above but i would like to add that on m116-m119, it looks inconsistent with the main piano sound.
Overall: Pretty decent file but felt a bit long. [+.]

Run Kirby Run [Xandertrax]

Playtesting: File was pretty fun for the most part. It felt like some of the jumps were used inconsistently but it's something minor.
m44-m49: Missing a lot of jumps.
m90-96: I would add more to this part since it looks empty.
Overall: Fun, decent file but i would fix what i've mentioned though. [+.]

Saikyou OX Keikaku [Stavie33]

Playtesting: *VOID*
Editor: *VOID*
Overall: This doesn't need a v2. The one already in-game is good enough. [<]

Sakura Blue Sky [SulferDragon]

Playtesting: This file was pretty good for the most part. It felt a bit empty at times though.
Editor:You're missing some 8th notes throughout the file so double check on those. Also on m22-m24, you could had added more layering here.
Overall: I still like this file. Definitely something people would play. [+.]

Shooogun [customstuff]

Playtesting: This file was decent however i noticed wrong note placements and layering inconsistencies during some parts of the song which bothered me a bit.
Editor: Throughout the file, you have many mis-rhythms and a few repetitive patterns here and there.
Overall: A lot of misplaced notes and inconsistencies. [-]

Smash Podcast [Coolboyrulez0]

Playtesting: Awesome file. Loved the pattern usage and the consistently of the file.
Editor: m17-m24: Those 16ths should be 24th gallops.
Overall: Pretty nice file. Loved the pattern usage. [+.]

Song of the Second Moon [bluguerrilla]

Playtesting: Very well made file. Definitely something i would replay. Unique song choice by the way.
Editor: -Blank-
Overall: Very well-stepped file. [+]

Sparkle Downer [npv]

Playtesting: Wow, this file was put well together and would make a great hard file.
Editor: -Blank-
Overall: Would make a nice challenging file. [+]

Take up the Cross (Euro Power Mix) -Short Version- [Vote4Nixon]

Playtesting: This file felt rather empty during some parts in the music. Also, i think there were a few rhythms that were off there and here and your pattern choice got repetitive and predictable.
Editor:Basically, there are a lot of off rhythms in this file like on m11. Also, the solo parts are way too empty. I would fill more stuff in.
Overall: You need to fix up those rhythms and off-sync patterns. [-]

The Fusion [Patashu]

Playtesting: Very well-made file. Definitely something i would replay
Editor: -Blank-
Overall: Well-stepped and re-playable. [+]

This Could've Been Nice [DarkZtar]

Playtesting: Whoa, that 16th long jack near the beginning and that wtf roll burst at the ending really caught my attention. Please make those parts more reasonable. Rest of the file was fine except some parts were awkward to hit.
m16: Don't make those jacks. Trills are more fitting.
m80: Another place you should fix those jacks
m118: Oh my god...Please fix reduce this part to make it more hittable.
Overall: Well-stepped file but i would turn down some of the patterns used to make it more re-playable. [+.]

Try to Star [DarkZtar]

Playtesting: File was pretty fun for the most part. Felt like some parts were missing though.
m48: Following the percussions would be a good idea here
m59-60: Why did it have to be a one handed trill? The gap is too much compared with the other parts in the file.
Overall: Pretty fun file but i would consider fixing those minor issues. [+.]

Voodoo People [megamon88]

Playtesting: Haha awesome file. Don't think i have a complaint on this.
Editor: I think layering it those 4th bass drums starting around m49 will keep the flow better.
Overall: Fun and re-playable. [+.]

White Walls [dore]

Playtesting: I'm not going to lie but for a long file, i find this really impressive.
Editor The only thing i found kinda iffy was on m13 with that one handed 32nd trill and that part on m340-m365 was nuts. Everything else throughout the file either had some minor PR issues or some 'hard to hit' type stuff.
Overall: I think this file is pretty good for a long file and it seems like you put a lot of effort to it. Those 32nd trills might give people some issues though. [+.]

Wolf by Night, Human in Dreams [woker-X]

Playtesting: File was decent but some parts felt repetitive and i feel that some things here and there could have been done better.
m12-m39: A lot of repeated awkward patterns that could have been changed up after it got too repetitive.
m64-m67: There is some syncopated 12th notes you could add to make the file flow better
m68-m73: There are continuous 12th notes going on in the background so i would include those
NOTE: You're missing a bunch of jumps throughout the whole file which makes this file inconsistent. You might to double check on this.
Overall: The inconsistency of this file needs work and the PR of some patterns could had been done better. [-]

Yellow Lasers [dore]

Playtesting: Haha, this file was pretty fun to play. Love the song choice as well.
Editor: -blank-
Overall: Highly re-playable file and well stepped. [+]

Yellowknife [customstuff]

Playtesting: File is highly repetitive and got boring rather quick since you didn't even attempt changing your rhythms a bit to make the file more interesting
m5-m7: What are those three notes going to?
m8-m15: You stepped m8 as triples yet you ignore them once you get between m9-m15
m16: Those 32nd trill is too long and should start at beat 63.00 as a roll rather than trills so that the rise of difficultly is so highly spiked on that one section.
m17-m31: The way you stepped this part was just so repetitive. At this point, the file is not interesting at all.
m32-End: A bunch of repeated mistakes as mention above...

Overall: Rejected. This doesn't have any stepping potential at all plus the song choice was repetitive. [-]


Mathematics / Vote4Nixon
rating: [+?]
- overall, highly underlayered, especially if you put the song's repetitiveness into consideration; conga and other percussions largely omitted
- I'd consider these two options: either edit the song shorter and keep everything as is; or layer in a climatic manner throughout the song, eventually incorporating more instruments and patterns to keep the file interesting

No Running Water / who_cares973
rating: [+.]
- minor PR discrepencies (e.g. beat 21.50)
- a few missing notes (e.g. beat 27.25) but you probably omitted some for distincting streams
- if there's anything you should add, it's a missing jump at the end of the song (beat 158) going to strings
- relaxing and great for an easy file

Perseverance (RuSHeR Remix)/ customstuff
rating: [-]
-m6: 32nds doable but rather silly
- unnecessary rainbow notes at places like m9
- m10-11: jumpjack patterns are a pain; better off as single 16ths
- m12: although jack patterns here more doable, regular layering will not have jumpjacks at all
- m19: out-of-sync rolls
- m21-24: PR is pretty loose at best
- m25-28: what's with those jacks?
- m29-36: keep the stream and layer with the drums; also, 32nds here and not 24ths; plus missing 32nd and more bad jumpjacks
- m39-52: sure is underlayered; more noticeable however are out of sync PR patterns and completely random patterns that do not fit with the song at all
- m53-54: jacks are dumb
- ok what, I thought the song was over, guess not...
from what I've played afterwards, song is a mess of wrong note types, bad patterns, bad jacks, and everything else under the sun
- file needs major changes; a lot of patterns overall seem unfitting or even forced upon

Pokemon / tj28
rating: [?]
- a number of things that should be considered:
- main melody not always stepped fully or correctly, such as m5,7
- it doesn't hurt to correct some PR issues such as m13. although you do take note of it sometimes such as m15-17
- m21-23: is one big stream that's not representative of the melody
- m25-28: don't assume it's the same melody as on m15; listen carefully
- song is more suitable if you doubled the bpm
- would be good for an easy song, but take a little more care

Prokofiev - Etude No.2 / SKG_Scintill
rating: [+]
- small PR issues at gallop areas (e.g. m16); PR is noticeably consistent in just about every other part of the song
- it's great to have another not-so-insanely-hard classical song

Pure Ruby / TC_Cyrenics
rating: [+.]
- no arrow at beat 47.75
- some patterns didn't go to anything such as m30 but I understand that it's probably to keep things interesting; I don't mind
- some PR could have better choices, but not a big issue (e.g. m39 should be lower rolls than m40)
- beat 175 and similar areas should be a jump
- step m62,70 better
- I honestly think that m79 to the end can be a long 16th stream for climatic purposes; you already have the same patterns earlier in the song
- overall some minor fixes; fun file

Radiant Moonlight / Bluearrowll
rating: [+?]
- m10-21: patterns at this point becomes dull and I think you can layer this differently
- m34-39: you should keep stepping the percussion, since it's rather anticlimatic otherwise
- right before m45 and similar areas are some weird semi-PR patterns; would make sense if you did something such as 123 instead of 124
- beat 243: in places like these, don't forget to layer properly
- beat 271: jump missing oops
- file is actually not too bad; mostly make the first half a bit more distinctive and less is kinda generic

RAN / megamon88
rating: [+]
- 32nds going to mandolin at beginning are most often 24ths; check sync
- m64: jacks are pretty mean here haha (as well as the 32nd trills, but they're interesting); consider a change for at least the four jumpjacks
- amzin!

Rondo a Capriccio / Bluearrowll
rating: [+?]
- the steps are fun, yet I am somewhat disappointed that you avoided further layering as the song progressed; unlike other genres, classical piano just feels better when you step it in a way that emulates the piano playing
- you do have fun patterns with great PR
- I highly suggest you layer more as the song progresses, especially those 16ths; song is also lengthy, so this would help variation too
- there are a few areas that are misrepresentative of the piano e.g. single piano notes on m116-119
- it's fun as is, but I'd be rather sad if you left the file like this

Run Kirby Run / Xandertrax
rating: [+.]
- beat 35.50 missing jump
- some jumps at the beginning of the song are generalized in regards to sync with the guitar, but that's fine
- m44-49: in addition to some missing jumps, lots of one-handed trill patterns created here; awkward to play
- check small burst around beat 250.75
- m66-67: wrong PR
- m90-96: pretty empty; fill up a bit
- overall fun, except that trill-jumpstream area is D:

Saikyou OX Keikaku / Stavie33
rating: [<]
- song doesn't have much more to offer than the version already in-game, even with the extended length; subpar attempt at making a harder version
- several inaccuracies as well, most notably some 24ths that are sprinkled throughout the song

Sakura Blue Sky / SulferDragon
rating: [+.]
- PR could be better in some places such as m1
- a few 8ths missing (beat 79.50,239.50,etc.)
- m22-24 could be a little more climatic
- good for an easy-mid level song

Shooogun / customstuff
rating: [?]
- file is coming along, but more could be done
- listen for missing notes, like beats 8.75,17.50,29.75,etc.
- be more careful with syncopated/weird notes, such as beat 13.50
- layering is incomplete at times, like at beats 37.50,38.00,etc.
- step more dominant sounds such as 12ths around m14-15
- some patterns can be done better (e.g. 24th trills)
- overall, don't skimp on the details; inspect your file more closely

Smash Podcast / Coolboyrulez0
rating: [+.]
- minor PR issues (e.g. beat 2.50)
- m17-24: 16ths are actually 24th gallops...fix these
- short and sweet

Song of the second moon / bluguerrilla
rating: [+]
- weird and unique song, but it works
- pretty much every arrow does its job right

Sparkle Downer / npv
rating: [+.]
- some bursts are rather difficult to hit (e.g. m72)
- 32nd jack at around beat 220.75 isn't nice
- don't know if all hands in the file are warranted (e.g. m64)
- overall, difficulty doesn't swing too wildly, and is yet a great FMO/FGO chart

take up the cross (Euro Power Mix) -Short Ver- / Vote4Nixon
rating: [+?]
- fun, but empty and often inaccurate
- there are many areas that can be layered more; stepping only solo melodies often result in extremely empty areas (e.g. m50-59)
- areas like m11,12 occur frequently throughout song, and are always inaccurate (check for the missing 32nds and offsync 8ths)
- 16ths can be sprinkled in areas like m20-21; and then there are missing 16ths such as beat 143.25
- overall, keep the file running (Euro POWER Mix!) and fill in sparse solo sections; fix up the many inaccuracies

The Fusion / Patashu
rating: [+]
- m105: it's not bad if you step the percussion as well
- cool beans

This Could've Been Nice / DarkZtar
rating: [?]
- too bad the name of the song also holds true for the file
- this chart could be really fun, except the many 48th bursts and 32nd walls make everything that much more unreasonable
- lone 48th bursts are doable, but reduce 48th patterns that go on any longer than that
- 12th jacks are also unreasonable
- if you fix things up (dumb things down a bit), this could be nice

Try to Star / DarkZtar
rating: [+.]
- some important jumps missing (e.g. beat 94.00,114.50,118.00,162.00,163.00,173.00,etc.)
- some spots can be filled in (e.g. m28)
- m39-40: optional, but if you want to up the difficulty a bit, add the guitar trill
- m59-60: OUCH trill; make it spread-friendly please
- m90: 12ths, not 16ths
- a few 16ths missing, like beat 395.25
- file should definitely be conditional; please fix up the trill, key jumps, and m90; fun though

Voodoo People / megamon88
rating: [+.]
- at least later throughout the song, layer more (i.e. 4th bass drums) so I can feel the beat of the song better; playing with the rhythm feels good
- other than that, nice file

White Walls / dore
rating: [+.]
- some jumps could have better PR at beginning (e.g. beat 5.00)
- 32nd trill at places like m13,110 sucks; would make AAAing this file a pain; doable though
- m104 is pretty nasty; perhaps change patterns
- m132-135: Blooddrunk deja vu! Would be better if 16ths weren't one-handed trills
- m340-365: oh my god
- many other places that can trip you up easily
- enormously fun (worthy of a long-song chart) and certainly a lot of work on your end, but I guarantee that people will be ripping their hair out if they try to AAA this haha
- this song will definitely break a lot of FFR records; a keeper for sure
NOTE: I believe FFR has a song length limitation, and iirc, dore requested the file to be split if needed
- dore's note: Yeah if you have to chop it up, I'd like the (12) in m262 to be the last note of part 1 and the first note of part 2 (with like a measure of two lead-in on part two, so that there's a little overlap and continuity).

Wolf By Night, Human In Dreams / woker-X
rating: [+.]
- I know you have fixes for this, so see if they match my commentary below
- beat 97 should be a jump
- m56-62: there are some 8th notes that can certainly make the 12th patterns more interesting
- m64-67 has some syncopated 12ths, while m68-73 are continuous 12ths; since the 12th gallop regime has been going on for quite a while, you should try stepping some of these
- 12ths get boring after a while, but steps are pretty decent in general

Yellow Lasers / dore
rating: [+]
- zzzap!

Yellowknife / customstuff
rating: [?]
- the 32nd trills are too much of a difficulty spike for the overall file, despite trills being spread-friendly
- patterns boring due to the generic song; song doesn't really have much stepping potential

Last edited by bmah; 10-26-2011 at 01:10 AM..
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