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Old 03-17-2005, 03:54 PM   #33
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Default RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: jTWG IV – “Death to

Basically the game played out as such:

Sure alliance:
Me (seer)
Psychic (human)

People who proved humanity but we couldn't allow in such an important alliance- that slim chance was too great for us to risk:

dAnce- for the fake seer stunt and continuing support. He also was let "known" that I was the seer the night I was guarded and nothing happened.

ddrruler- was told the psychic, and when it came between trusting lewis or dAnce as the true seer, he asked lewis who the psychic was (getting an "I don't know), and then he asked tps/dAnce, who knew. He then supported us 100%. One less possible wolf.

Akorn- skepticism toward daniel was not what a wolf would have done. His vote was repelled by daniel through continuing arguing (lasting about 5 minutes), but he kept it.

Rye- for the continuing attacks by daniel. Not to mention that he stuck with freak to the end, something a wolf would never do. Rye was "supposedly" the next target after freak, according to Daniel. Little did he know he had been seered the night before.

That adds up to 9 probable humans. 7 possible wolves. This is what made the process so deadly efficient. 7 people left to seer, and we happened to seer the three wolves. Probability was on our side.

In the end, it wasn't so much important that we seered wolves by luck, but the fact that there were so few people left to seer.
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