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Old 11-14-2010, 11:43 AM   #81
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Default Re: Any vegetarians/vegans on FFR?

Originally Posted by DossarLX ODI View Post

What really doesn't make sense is why you would want to even take away one of the main food groups. Carnivores in the wild are constantly killing other animals to survive, so eating meat is NOT unnatural or "wrong" in any way. We might as well just starve if killing animals AND plants is "wrong", because you are killing the plants to eat them.

Also, we didn't evolve in an environment with an abundance of food, so being an omnivore expanded the choices humans had for nourishment.
You're putting "quotes" around "things" that vegetarians have never claimed. Vegetarians don't claim it's innately wrong or unnatural to eat meat. They know it's one of the food groups. They know that we evolved eating meat and our digestive systems and teeth are designed to handle it.

"Ethical" vegetarians are usually so because of the way mass-marketed meats are butchered in north america and many other countries. Or they have a personal sentimental value attached to animals and don't feel like they can eat them, ala Buddhism. But this is a personal choice - not a choice that requires others to be "wrong" for eating meat. It's just wrong for themselves. And they are usually okay with that.

Don't let PETA speak for vegs - they are the loud minority, not the majority.

PS I read that article - 4th grade? That was about the point where I decided to be vegetarian, on my own, in spite of my meat-eating family. So.... that dude is really pre-emptive in assuming she was "forced" to be vegetarian.
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Last edited by Chrissi; 11-14-2010 at 11:46 AM..
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