Thread: Lucid Dreaming
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Old 11-10-2010, 03:06 AM   #32
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Default Re: Lucid Dreaming

Originally Posted by [TeRa] View Post
A while ago I came across Robert Monroe while searching for lucid dreaming, OBEs, and sleep paralysis type stuff, interesting to say the least:

I also found out about alternate sleep patterns, mainly this:
Due to only having 30 or so minute naps, you pretty much fall straight into REM sleep, it makes dreams easier to have/remember, which I would imagine would make achieving lucidity easier. You pretty much optimize your wake time, but you'll need a nap every like 6 hours or you'll be exhausted. I dunno if there are any real health hazards or benefits to this though.

Anyways, I was able to remember my dreams usually 3-4 days out of the week, I tried to make reality checks pretty much a natural reaction but I never got far with that, I wanna get back into this because it's pretty interesting and would be awesome to have a sense of control over.
I have been doing the 30 minute nap deal since i was about 7 because of what i believed to be insomnia. I am now 19. These 30 minute naps make it so I fall into The REM state consistantly. If your wondering about health effects, I am physically in great shape. I do not recomend this though. I have lost almost all perception of time. I never know what day it is,ever. It has blended my days into one, rarely will i ever get that "next day" feeling.

Also some of my favorite reality test are:
Touching fire
Cell phone checking
clock watching
car stereos noise levels
underwater breathing<---never do that one on purpose
We have doomed the Wolf not for what it is, but for what we have deliberately and mistakenly perceived it to be.. the mythologized epitome of a savage, ruthless killer..Which is in reality no more than a reflexed image of ourselves.

Originally Posted by Rubin0 View Post
Yeah good things happen for me when I'm not lurking on FFR too. It's called life.

Last edited by spartanumaw; 11-10-2010 at 03:12 AM.. Reason: Also:
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