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Old 11-6-2010, 09:01 PM   #2854
Elite Ninja
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Default Re: Dragons Fury Welcome Back Tournament

Originally Posted by psychoangel691 View Post
What all of you keep failing to realize is this is a 7 DIVISION TOURNAMENT. Normal placements of a D5 tournament don't apply here. You can't look at someones ranks and be like oh yea you're D3 material when you aren't looking at every single person in that division. We didn't just go ok this person has these scores they're D whatever we went okay these scores are close to this person who's close to this person, etc. Then we went through everyone's replays and went through weekly stats on songs to try to get a feel of people who got skill increases or drops. Had I been playing my full potential I would have put my self in D4 no problem and you go look at my stats and tell me I'm D4 in any way. It's not the same and I'm tired of everyone sitting here like oh yea you're this you're that I shouldn't be here blah blah blah. The structure changed because there's 2 extra divisions. And was completely screwed up anyways despite how hard we tried because people fought and argued with us about their placements. There are people that are getting completely crushed in some divisions that never said a word even when I told people if they wanted to move down to message me. Elite ninja frankly your constant complaining got you no where. I'm just frustrated as hell because I never even stood a chance. Evnoir AAAd the 1st 3 rounds with no effort at all. Continued to dominate the 2 rounds after that then pulls an awesome score on an 11 that's decently hard within a few minutes of the round being up. Ic0 I know pretty well and I know he wasn't playing nearly his best when this started and it just shocked the hell out of me to see an SDG on hajnal now after how much of a struggle the rest of the rounds were.
Sorry but I guess I just want to know if we started this thing all over again would I still be in D5. I just want to know if people really think I am D5. I am fine with playing against D5 but I am not fine with people thinking that I am as good or even close to being at their skill level.
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