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Old 10-26-2010, 05:05 PM   #182
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Default Re: FFR Community Pack 3

(DDRBaller123) City Lights (Rough Twilight Club Mix)
Layering and pattern choices are way too inconsistent. Not a very interesting song to step to begin with. いいえ

(Detrimentalist+0) Disconnected HaZaRD
Personaly pet peeve of mine but I noticed a lot of [3][4][3] mini-trills being used which bugs me; I find them much more awkward to hit than [4][3][4]. And in general a lot of one handed mini-trill patterns which I find awkward at this speed. Pattern nitpicks aside, solid file. はい

(asphyxzero) Do Back Burn
Thought that maybe some mini-freezes to layer the vocal samples would've added some variation. Wasn't fond of some of the jumpjack patterns used but overall solid file despite being repetitive and lackluster. はい

(Cyrenics) Healing Vision Remix
Layering in the beginning measures is very quirky. You're transitioning between layering too suddenly which makes this awkward for me to follow on a first playthrough. And the times you do layer the piano, you're erroneously missing some note placements which would also keep it flowing much better. Where you decided to stop stepping was pretty strange as well and overall there wasn't any sort of climax to the file itself since you cut it off early. Layering was decent but there wasn't enough interesting elements in this that makes it replayable let alone enjoyable. いいえ

(wc) Intermission
Short but solid. Nothing really notable about this file but I see no reason to reject it other than the replayability factor being low. はい

(DDRBaller123) Kz
Nice freeze abuse did you get it from a garage sale. Layering is all over the place and doesn't flow at all. Also incomplete. いいえ

(Dimentio) Lunatic Gaze
You hit my pet peeve of piano holds hnnngh why. Thought more of the percussion could've been layered with jumps for variation. A few 192nds didn't seem all that necessary either but overall solid file. Flows well and is fairly enjoyable despite my pet peeves. はい

(Virus) Metropolis Pt.1
GLoVE did a much better job despite his being a cut version. Absolutely no reason to accept a file that's longer and inconsistent. いいえ

(DDRBaller123) Pokemon Ieru Ka Neo
Vocal steps weren't accurate at all. Layering is all over the place and this was not enjoyable to playthrough at all. いいえ

(Scylaax) Only my Railgun
Starts off pretty strong but you should've kept consistently layering the *ding* noises with the mini-freezes. The vocal jumps that form jumpjacks were alright but often times were a bit awkward to hit. There are a few erroneously missing 16th notes but I'm guessing you left some of them out on purpose. M28 rainbow notes were quirky and didn't feel right for me, but I know what you were trying to do here. The first part of the guitar solo part also felt quirky for me. Finally, the cut you made at the end I found really awkward/sudden. Overall, layering is alright but it's all over the place and too inconsistent at times which bugs me. Everyone that's tried to step this song has had some sort of issue figuring out the layering since there's a lot going on in the song but it has tons of potential to be a good file. Personally, this did not appeal to me much since I would personally take different approach to layering. File's either a hit or miss so I can't quite decide on a verdict for this yet. 未決

(Wineandbread) Rambling Feather
Polyrhythm layering at M6+ flows a little weird but they aren't that awkward for me to hit. M9+ though some hold placements would've fit well here. Also in these kind of break measures you could add a few notes to layer the stuff going in the background on top of what you already have to fill up the empty gaps and add variation which would also make it flow better. Picked up on a few jumps/hands that could've been layered in (won't really go into detail unless requested). Pretty much what kommi and kory mentioned about the jump jacks which are awkward to hit, but I do realize what you were trying to do with the layering in those spots. Overall, solid and enjoyable file. Doesn't have many blatant errors so I'm willing to pass this off as is. If you feel like fixing the file up, take the judges notes into consideration. はい

(Scylaax) Snakeman Stage
Might have gone a bit overboard with the freeze usages but they fit well with the song. Some awkward stream patterns during the 24ths, 32nds and polyrhythms but overall solid and replayable file. Good for scoring as well. はい

(Scylaax) Tornadoman Stage
I can see some slight kil influence to the layering choices but still has that technical scylaax style mixed into it. Unique layering choices that flowed well and overall enjoyable to playthrough. はい

(DDRBaller123) Winter V2
Played this way back in Xoon 5 and there is no real difference to this, rofl. Just simply not playable. いいえ

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