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Old 10-21-2010, 12:03 PM   #11
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Default Re: Help me out real quick

First Name, Last Name Initial (ex. Jack Pearson = Jack P.): Spencer C.
Age: 20
State/Province: CT
Country: USA

1. How do you feel about Americans in general?
2. What language is spoken in Haiti?
French, I think they have their own language too
3. How did it become that most of Central America speaks Spanish?
Spain invaded the place back when England/France were focusing on NA.
4. What is the financial situation of Chile? (i. e. Rich, Poor, Average?)
pretty poor, idk
5. What is the current form of government in Uganda?
Well, seeing as the name is "the republic of uganda", I'm going to guess a Republic.
6. When the Romans ruled, what sea did most of their land border?
7. What country does Portugal border?
8. What is the name of the disputed land in the Middle East?
Gaza Strip? West Bank? Well, all of Israel really.
9. What countries did the U.S. fight against in World War I?
Germany, Austria, and one or two others. I think the Ottoman Empire.
10. In what country is the U.S. currently fighting a war and where is this country located?
Afghanistan, one of the old USSR satellite states. It's bordered by *-stan.
pretty much everywhere
11. Who is the Prime Minister of France?
Sarkozy. Deport the roma~
12. What country is in economic despair due to the mining and sale of diamonds?
Ivory Coast?
13. What country recently (2010) had an 8.8 earthquake, said to have been so powerful it shortened the length of a day by less than a second?
Was Haiti 2010? I'm guessing Haiti.
14. Who is Michael Steele and what is his nationality?
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