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Old 10-20-2010, 07:25 AM   #81
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by stargroup100 View Post
I really don't understand how that kind of game is possible, especially 3v3.

When you have a late game teamfight and someone initiates, chances are someone is going to lose, and during that time one of the teams has over a minute to take down at least one tower or inhibitor. Repeat, flush, rinse, and in about 10 minutes you should be done.

How both teams managed to last that long is completely baffling to me.
Garen had revive & cleanse, 4 sunfire capes, Movement boots (+3) and a Guardian Angel.

Xin Zhao was just ****ing unkillable by the time he had so much lifesteal and attack speed, not too mention booking his ass away with ghost and cleanse when we'd try to jump him.

The first I'd say.......35 minutes of the game was just normal laning (which I know is ridiculously long), with me leaving mid every here and then to gank for a fast kill, which brought us up fast in gold count and morale. THEN, garen hit level 6 (we'd been harrassing him and xin zhao horribly), and all ****ing hell broke loose, even though we ALL had at least 2 levels on him. Team-mates were being half retarded, not listening to my warning pings and just dying constantly from garens ****ing OP as **** ult and sunfire + swirly combo, and I had to stay behind towers and defend with Galio and his trusty ult. But even I got dived twice, killed once in one of those dives, and the turret was destroyed the second dive. After that, they decided to go back to laning, which gave me a chance to arrange some ganks with my ult, which is just what I did to gain fast gold, and fast levels. (Not to mention feed my Mejal's). By then the game was about 70 or so minutes in, without either of our second tower's being destroyed, and theirs were still standing too. From then on, the game just dragged on in small skirmishes of 2v3's , which we would only win when I had my ult popped, or our Trynd stopped being retarded and hit his ult before the like, 0.3 seconds it takes to go off. THAT caused our game to be dragged on so ****ing long, with 2 of us attacking while 1 defended, because Miss Fortune is annoying as **** to solo lane with, even at later levels. ****, even more at later levels if you're straight AP galio. >.>

From then on, the game became one sided after Garen got his 4 capes. We got pushed back into base at a point, pushed back out, half way across bottom lane when Miss Fortune uses ****ing teleport, backdoors, and wins in under 30 seconds with her attack speed / dmg.

Deff a game I'll not forget.

YES, it was a slow as **** game, but by the end, all of us were level 18, and had all 6 of our items, which made it fun as hell imo.

Garen alone stopped our pushes, because I built my Galio straight AP because we were crushing so bad early, and didn't want to sell everything to go back to an off-tank AP mage. (Bad choice on my part, Garen ****ing raped me)
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