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Old 12-16-2009, 10:04 PM   #187
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Default Re: TWG XCII: Welcome Back, Wolfy!

Originally Posted by Viccica View Post
Elaborating a bit more on Iggy's analysis because I was kind of thinking the same thing. (I thought it was just me thinking too deeply on it). He seems to just kind of trying to make us think he's active while not really being active. It's pretty much the exact same way he played wolf on iggy's team (as iggy said).
ok, just cuz I don't post every single thing that comes to my mind doesn't mean I'm not active... and I don't understand why you or Iggy think I'm inactive when I haven't even seen either of you online in ages, and I'm done for the semester and have been online basically the entire time I've been awake.

Originally Posted by Viccica View Post
He also sent me a pm trying to question whether I was the psychic or not judging by my recent activity splurge... While it may be a valid question, I'd have to assume it's roledigging, especially since it was done very privately. His human play isn't so bad as to suggest he'd try and ask me if I were a blue and genuinely think I'd tell them whether I was or wasn't. It just doesn't add up to me
No, I DIDN'T ask you because of your recent activity splurge. I quoted what you said that I thought was suspicious. See, I thought that AC had posted something that said he thought there were only two lefts. After talking to him on AIM, he does, at the moment, think that there is likely only two wolves (as do I) since we both think Freeze was a wolf. HOWEVER, I went back and looked at the post where he suggested we lynch you and he mentions wolves, plural, since he wanted to include all possibilities. However, as you explained in your response PM, you're saying that IN THE SITUATION THAT NO WOLF HAS BEEN LYNCHED AND WHERE YOU ARE A WOLF, then there would be two wolves left still and the psychic would be dead since he/she would have come out. I was concerned about how direct and sure you sounded when you said that thing about EXACTLY two wolves left but didn't realize you were just referencing a hypothetical situation. That's why I sent it in private, along with the fact that you could have possibly been the seer (and seered freeze and seen he was red) or psychic (and saw that freeze was red), meaning that if I had called you out in the thread, I could have been putting you in danger of being lynched. As you mentioned in your response PM:

"I was saying in the situation if a wolf were lynched. Since AC thinks I'm a wolf, I was spinning off that. 3 wolves - 1 wolf = 2 wolves. At which point AC wanted the psychic to come out. Which is just retarded because at that point the psychic's job is only half done and obviously would be wolfed the following night phase.

Don't pull the semantics card on me. -.- I was trying to get all my thoughts out quickly without leaving much out."

tl dr: I was worried that Viccica had accidentally revealed her role of psychic since she stated that there were exactly two wolves. I PM'd her in case this was true so that it wouldn't be public. Turns out she didn't think about the way she phrased her post and that I didn't fully read her and AC's post to realize she was referring to a hypothetical situation, so she is not psychic and actually AGREES with me that the psychic SHOULD NOT come out unless there is only ONE wolf left.

And F all of you for randomly switching to me without even talking to me (temote wtf? I've been on aim... if you're confused about what I meant you could have asked me...and I haven't even talked to you all game spyke so **** you too lol). If anyone had IM'd me, really, I would have been awaken by a loud noise from my accidental post-dinner nap
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