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Old 12-16-2009, 09:28 PM   #181
FFR Player
Join Date: Dec 2009
Age: 33
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Default Re: TWG XCII: Welcome Back, Wolfy!

Originally Posted by u84 View Post
If this is the case, which is much more likely with AC, then I'm going to have to vote Argo. Practically every post I've seen from him has been just going along with any post advocating the inactive wolf team idea.
Maybe because the wolves were obviously inactive? You know, unless they intentionally didn't kill someone in order to screw with our minds, I find it hard to believe 3 wolves would agree to do that.

For the record I was online a lot night one, and I wouldn't be dumb enough to not send in a wolf pm.

He seems extremely excited to kill the inactive players and just finally switched his vote to Ruritsu after seeing that everyone else did.
By everyone you mean iggy?

I honestly had no idea who to vote for, all I knew is that a player who was inactive night one was the best choice. you or Gun was the other option.

Maybe if you guys (ruritsu, gun, u84, vic) would get on aim (not mobile >.>) a little more often (or at least for a little?) than we would have been able to make a real decision.
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