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Old 11-10-2009, 09:29 PM   #200
FFR Player
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Default Re: Is it wrong to be gay?

Originally Posted by MrRubix View Post
I don't mind attacking someone if they're trolling/retarded beyond belief. You're either one or the other.
Wow! Low baller. Alright you win.

Now, aside from MrRubix who is omniscient, What is it then that can or will separate the approval of homosexuality from eventually the acceptance of bestiality, putting the issue of rape and consent aside? (Since Rape and its inclusive elements applies only to humans)

On a different tangent so as to not stray any farther from the topic, the question is "Is it wrong to be gay"? Apart from any moral compass (such as religion), there is no wrong in any activity. The question could be, why is killing for fun wrong? The answer aside from the legal aspect is...nothing. One may argue that its harmful to others. Well, who said harming others was wrong? Yes the law has imposed restrictions on harming others, yet if our only definition of right and wrong is only what the law says, then we are dictated by the desires of a fallible law maker and what may be wrong today might not be wrong tomorrow.

Thus I think its necessary to clarify when asking '' is it wrong to be gay''. Is it LEGALLY wrong, or morally wrong? The legality issue can be easy to answer. The morally wrong issue is where, apart from some superior standard, the circular and really unsolvable debate begins.

Last edited by bobeck; 11-10-2009 at 09:32 PM..
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