Thread: TWG XC: Deja Vu
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Old 10-31-2009, 12:35 AM   #138
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Default Re: TWG XC: Deja Vu

Ew that came out super messy, let me repost:

Alright, time to lay down what I've been contemplating for a while now.

Panda in my eyes is a wolf. The way he threw down that 3rd vote had an air of someone who is more than happy to lynch someone that's not themselves or another wolf. Yes that wasn't pressure, no matter how much you would like us to think otherwise. In fact that action has caused me to suspect gun of being a wolf as well. I will give you 2 potential scenarios of what i think happened.

Scenario 1: Gun and Panda are both wolves. Gun lays down a random vote (GUT INSTINCT YEA) to see if it sticks. Afro joins in because that's what Afro does I guess. Panda then tries to push it all the way by turning "pressure" into a bandwagon vote, because hey whens the last time wolves cared about lynching a green based on absolutely no evidence? One problem though, and that's the foundation of the bandwagon (GUT INSTINCT YEA) which is almost non-existent. Gun panics as votes are thrown his and Panda's way, and starts on a tirade which seems to end in him accepting his lynching (?). Then Panda changes his vote into a safety on Maki, says i didn't react the way he thought i would to his vote (I wasn't aware that I reacted at all o_o) and subtly reinforces guns position by portraying him as a frustrated human who is just trying to play the game differently than he usually does. Smooth one Panda. Well not really.

Scenario 2: Gun is a human and Panda is a wolf. Gun tries to kick things off by randomly voting me. There was seemingly no logical reason to do so, but i don't begrudge him for that: you have to start somewhere right? Thats not the important thing anyways, whats important is that Panda decides to start a bandwagon and attempts to vaugely give substence to his vote by citing that "Gun was on to something." After he got tagged and called out for his bandwagon vote, he was asked to explain exactly what "Gun was on to".

Originally Posted by Panda Express View Post
you asked what I thought "Gun was onto" exactly. I think he's onto something with premature pressure.
Whatever Gun was on too, it certainly wasn't pressure. I'm pretty sure that vote is the opposite of a pressure vote, considering that pressure votes are there to gauge someones reactions and not to ACTUALLY vote for them. Well if you noticed Panda, I reacted, and Guns vote is STILL ON ME. So therefore its safe to assume that Gun is actually going all the way and committing to voting for me. Then Gun goes on his rant, but only in this scenario hes genuinely frustrated and is human. Then Panda swoops in, changes his vote, covers his tracks, and reinforces his humanity (Lol) by providing a logical explanation to Guns adverse reaction to getting a few votes.

As you can see, those two scenarios are very different. But there's one thing that's the same in both of them. In both scenarios, Panda is a conniving wolf who is willing to lynch someone at the drop of a hat (GUT INSTINCT YEA), shows a patently wolfish disregard for anybody other than himself and other wolves, and just in general his mannerisms scream wolf to me.

Originally Posted by Panda Express View Post
night phase was pretty drawn out, and I'm eager for things to start unfolding.
I bet you would be.

TL;DR Version: Panda

To let the world be.


Originally Posted by mellon_collie View Post
Originally Posted by roundbox View Post

Originally Posted by Afrobean
Lynch all liars is good meta. Period.
Originally Posted by Red
My guess at this point is that there aren't actually any wolves, and all the humans are just going to kill each other until only a few are left. Then the remaining survivors will realize they are the real monsters.
Originally Posted by TWG Ike View Post
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