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Old 10-23-2009, 07:53 PM   #1
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Default Is it wrong to be gay?

I want to respond to this thread but I kinda figured it was defiantly not the place to do it.

The people who think being gay is wrong, why? It's understandable if it's a religious reason, and it's understandable if somebody is just simply uncomfortable about gays. I even think it's fine to make gay jokes as one would make racist or sexist jokes. However all too often I see people simply saying "Being gay is wrong" and they leave it at that. if you take religion aside, what negative consequences does being gay have on society? Obviously many don't want their son/daughter to be gay because it directly effects their lives (However from my experience you're yelling at your kid for something he has no control over) but how come many people will simply hate gay people who they hardly no and have no relation to?

I'm gay but I don't flaunt it in the least bit, in fact at my College everybody thinks I'm an amazing womenizer as I'm still in the closet. But it just kind of bugs me when I hear people say "It's ****ed up". This is more a question for people like GG_Guru who in the previous thread just denounced it as wrong. Also in no way am I making this thread because I got offended or anything over the last thread, it's just something I'm curious about. From my personal experience, it can not be helped. I don't want to sound like a gigantic college douchebag but I've been to parties and have made out with girls, once two at a time, had some "titty shots", and even some grinding and like, seriously I couldn't care less. More importantly there's the emotional aspect. I'm sure there's something about the opposite sex for strait people that they just find like they can find that romantic connection with. I happen to just have that with guys. So what is wrong with being gay?
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