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Old 10-7-2009, 06:45 PM   #59
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Default Re: Why do Animal Lovers get such bad rap on TV

you know, I'm all for eating animals. but I'm not against people treating animals better before they chop them up. at least in the wild, animals get to run around and live what little of a life they have before something comes along and eats them. I understand that it costs a lot of money to sanitize animal living environments, and not just kick all of the chickens out of the way and/or trample when you're walking through their cramped living quarters, and all that ****.

I love meat, steak if my favorite food. but i also have a ton of pets I love to death and I hate seeing animals suffering and being treated badly. there's a difference between killing and torturing, and I really wish some people knew the difference.

also, OP. you're a dumbass. You're like, one of those 13 yo vegans that have no idea about how the world works, and you're struggling so hard to fit in and not look like a dumbass you went for some ****ty cause. then convinced yourself that it mattered and you would make a difference by calling people humafags. what is that. i don't get it at all. is that some sort of play on furfags that makes no sense at all? i'm pretty sure you only use that because you're a dumbass. yea, you're a dumbass. talking about self righteous people? well, look at yourself.

No, really, just look at yourself. look at what you're saying to people. because I care about the human race i'm a humafag? No. You're just bitter that your idiotic, off the wall ways are not accepted in society. the only people that respect you or would lend you their ear, are people as mentally ill and alone as you are.
Originally Posted by ~jrodd View Post
keep ur head up or down whatevers most comfortable idk but ya i repsect u cuz u respect others and we all have opinions to share, so respect one another and keep being urself or someone else watever
Originally Posted by ~Tao of Dossar
I never self-reflect, and therefore, I have no negative thoughts about myself. However I am also aware about my successes.
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