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Old 09-23-2009, 03:37 PM   #93
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Default Re: I am AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by foxfire667 View Post
Contribute and pay for it's success, now that is much more clear when you are talking about "important people" in the world of Flash Flash revolution. Although, I do have to say that the people that contribute to FFR, do not do it BECAUSE they feel it would make them important, but because they love the game and want to help out. I myself am saving up some money because I did want to obtain myself a year subscription to help out the site, considering I love to play the game.

I also have to say that I highly doubt you would call refer to me as an "important person" because of that, even though you would call someone else that you know better who has done this one. Anyone that contributes to a site in some way, in turn, helps out the site. At the moment, I have been trying to get people to come onto FFR and play the game because hopefully they might find it as fun as I do, and although that is a really small amount of does technically give the site more hits, which gets their site more noticed by outside sources, which in the end, helps out the site.

What is wrong with the world today? Are you kidding me? Do you ever read a newspaper article or watch the news?!? I mean, aside from the world being overrun by money and religion, there are tons of issues on this planet, and the majority of them could be solved if people were willing to give up a little money. As an example of this, gas powered cars. There are much better, cleaner, and more cost efficient ways to make fuel for our transportation, but we still neglect to convert over to alternatives such as liquid nitrogen, or even air.

A quote from wiki's article on a Liquid nitrogen powered vehicle:
"This presents significant cost benefits. Pollution created during fuel transportation would be eliminated."

I could go on for days about things that could be revised for the better, but that would be a waste of time. Hopefully I can resolve a few of the worlds problems, or at least aid to the revise, later on in my lifetime.

Did you think I was talking about FFR when I was talking about the world going down the drain. I was only stating, that double standards brought on by people, really screws other people over last time.

With people you know? It seems like everyone knows everybody in these threads, my is as though there are only like 30 or 40 different people, that go through and create threads to post on or something. I still have yet to see ONE person who was not a newbie to FFR that doesn't know a crap load of the people (if not all of the people) that are posting in the forum I post on.

Also, I did not start ONE of these "arguments", the majority of how every one of these "arguments" started, was because of them saying something to ME, not the other way around. Also, just go ahead and humor me here...just WHAT am I missing? People insult me for something either I didn't know about, or was joking about, and I reply with a response, that is clean, and to the point. Do I have to quote the start of every "argument" for you? If I must, I will.
hey dude i'm going to give you some really meaningful advice here and keep in mind that i'm really important and i have a lot of posts so you should do what i say, okay?

here it is:

shut up.

Last edited by foilman8805; 09-23-2009 at 03:39 PM..
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