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Old 09-8-2009, 03:03 PM   #23
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Default Re: How the tournament should have gone.

Originally Posted by dragonmegaXX View Post
Here comes some points of a tournament. Its to try to be the best.
I know if I was in a tournament run like this, I wouldnt be very motivated, because I knew that if I got an amazing score, I would be moved up to a different division where my score would have been sub-par, therefore ruining any excitement, and also, I doubt someone would be good enough to shift more than 2 division in a 1-10 scale anyway. Its not like some original D2 is going to magically bounce to D6 or 7 anyway, so this is pretty inefficient in my opinion.
There are some people who may like this, but you are also going to get more "this is bs" because 2nd place in D1-9 is going to say 1st should have been in the next division up

bolded because I like this statement.
Well, you'd need to do good enough to stay above elimination, and it would be tight.

The top two players would be of similar skill level, so it wouldn't be "BS" if the winner got a few less goods.
If they were fit for the next division up they would be there.

And moving many divisions is very possible, I was borderline D2/D3 IMO at the beginning of this tournament, and I'm now borderline D4.
Which would be 3-4 divisions up in this tournament.
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