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Old 09-5-2009, 11:52 PM   #28
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Default Re: COD6 aka MW2 : Sign In

Originally Posted by NFD View Post
But really, I don't understand why. With a mouse, it's so much easier to aim among other things. Plus if you don't want to use a mouse you can still use a USB controller.
Aiming, relative to what? I still hit my targets. Everyone I'm playing with has the same 'handicap'. There's no issue at all. Plus, I own a PS3 that can play MW2 - and any other games that come out for the PS3 - without having to worry about upgrading my gaming rig constantly.

In short, I dislike PC gaming because I dislike buying games and then finding out I can't play them because my graphics chip is so ten weeks ago and there's a new engine that I have to worry about fiddling with. Plus, PC games then to have 10,000 different input commands for different things. Sacred 2 on the PS3 plays better that it did on the PC because they were able to simplify all the commands to shoulder buttons, etc. While the actual game itself is buggy, the gameplay is vastly improved, and I value gameplay way more than graphics or slight glitches, which face it; you're bound to get those with PC games anyway.

Console FPS's work fine.
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Last edited by MalReynolds; 09-5-2009 at 11:55 PM..
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