Thread: Hubby Hubby
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Old 09-3-2009, 05:29 PM   #59
BuMP it
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Default Re: Hubby Hubby

everyone: "I will be tolerant of gays, but not tolerant of your opinions."

seefu: "I will be tolerant of your opinions, even when you are not tolerant of my own."

everyone: "U r a bigot"

Why do you keep calling him ignorant. You're all "ignorant" for treating him this way. Just get over it. Why can't you realize that it makes you just how you see him; ignorant, arrogant, stupid.

On another note, they are only doing this for 30 days. How many people actually read the article? It isn't necessarily to support gay marriage, its to celebrate the gay marriage law in Vermont. It isn't as though they are some sort of GaY MaRriAgE cult.
Originally Posted by ~jrodd View Post
keep ur head up or down whatevers most comfortable idk but ya i repsect u cuz u respect others and we all have opinions to share, so respect one another and keep being urself or someone else watever
Originally Posted by ~Tao of Dossar
I never self-reflect, and therefore, I have no negative thoughts about myself. However I am also aware about my successes.
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