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Old 08-31-2009, 10:56 AM   #1959
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Default Re: World of Warcraft

Speaking of raids, we had a guild run tonight of as many old raids as we could do before we got tired or lost too many people.

Onyxia first. Dead in under a minute.

Molten Core next. Annoying for me since my burst is all fire damage, but done in 40 minutes or so with a group of 13.

AQ40 was next. Still 13 people. Had some trouble on Viscidus due to not enough frost damage and not enough people meleeing, but he went down eventually. The twin emperors were the hardest fight for sure. They just ran around like madmen once the switch happened. We think it was because of dots not getting cleared but weren't sure if that was intentional or not. It's hard to have a warrior not use bleeds or a warlock not use dots. C'Thun was a joke. Very fun though. Got about 500 rep away from being not Hated with the Brood, and we had a Red mount drop.

Then we did AQ20 with 9 people, which was easy all the way through. Nothing important happened.

Then we tried to get the group to do BWL, but as we had been raiding for several hours, many people left and we realized Nefarian is really hard without the Onyxia capes. 3 people went to do Onyxia. I didn't

I farmed AV all night instead! Won 15 matches in a row and earned the Tower Defense achievement (actually got that last night... I love AV weekend). 12 wins away from AV Veteran and 19 graveyard caps away from Grave Robber. Alterac Blitz remains impossible due to the levelers now present in battlegrounds.

I looked back at some of the battleground tables that izzy posted and saw a comment about how much he hated that people could do BGs without resilience. I'm one of those people. I have a full PVP set but I rarely use it. Why would I want to lose 5,000 burst damage from my main attack? I'm a Shaman, I'm going to die no matter how much resilience I have. Once someone singles me out, I'm going to drop, unless I targeted them first. If I can kill you before you touch me, then I win. If you touch me, you win. Resilience doesn't change this. I'd rather have 2,800SP over 1,800.

In AV, all I have to do is Flame Shock, Lava Burst. This does 15,000 damage. If the target has about 15,000 hp or more or I suspect they actually have resilience, I do Flame Shock, Chain Lightning, Lava Burst, Frost Shock. This does 22,000 damage before resilience. It kills nearly everything.

The sickest thing is that if I get Tier 9, my battlegrounding will become absolutely ridiculous. Lava Burst already crits for 10-12k in BGs. Add 20% to that with the 4pc. The 2pc isn't bad either. It makes my Flame Shock tick 3 more times. I can already kill a lowbie with just flame shock ticking, so 3 more ticks will just be sick. I like to stick it on people if they're running past so they're low on health at their destination =p

Last edited by Squeek; 08-31-2009 at 10:59 AM..
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