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Old 08-7-2009, 07:19 AM   #1855
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Default Re: World of Warcraft

Time for complaints.

First and foremost, just like I predicted. "Additional instances cannot be launched, please try again later." It's like there's not even a point in playing if you're just jumping at a portal for half an hour.

Second, the new 5-man. Lots of complaints here. Let's do a list for this one.

1) Jousting. I'm good at it, but that doesn't mean I like it. It was stupid when it came out and it's stupid now.

2) Three hour introductions. It was fun the first time. It's not fun anymore. Get rid of it. Nobody cares to sit through five minutes of dialogue.

3) No time between. You spend all this time getting these people off their mounts and trampled. Finally, you get the last one down. Then you're dismounted and one-shot before you even realize that the fight isn't over. Even if you know it's coming, you're one-shot because your druid tank has to change weapons and then shapeshift before even trying to pull adds off of you. This was REALLY well-planned, Blizzard.

4) Way too hard for a heroic. I'm not saying we lose, but you're classifying it as a heroic dungeon. I've done all of the BC dungeons and they're all pretty much exactly the same difficulty on heroic, even Magister's Terrace, which came far later into the expansion as this dungeon did. This dungeon is a nightmare, and I cannot imagine a normal heroics pug could handle it.

5) The loot is far too good. I wouldn't normally complain about something like this, but seriously, come on. You've completely invalidated Ulduar 10. 10-man raiding guilds feel like their time spent in Ulduar was just voided. This isn't about Emblems of Conquest buying you two pieces of tier 8. This is about dropping weapons, rings, trinkets, and armor that far outclasses all the terribly-itemized loot from Ulduar-10. I have four upgrades in that Heroic over what I could get in Ulduar-10. That's just sad.

Now the raid.

1) IT'S WAY TOO DAMN HARD. If anyone here even hasn't tried it yet, I'd recommend not bothering until they nerf / fix it. Basically, this guy will run out and smash your tank for about as much damage as Vezax. He will also Impale your tanks, and it stacks. About 2k damage a second per stack. Even when your offtank taunts off, the main tank is taking 6,000 damage a second. Any ranged people need to be at range because he does a slam 15 yards around him that interrupts you. And here's the fun part! He throws enemies onto the ranged people's heads. So you're at range and you get a Snobold on your head as a healer. Guess what? You just lost the encounter due to random number generation, because you're no longer allowed to heal. Snobolds randomly interrupt your spellcasting, daze you, etc. He throws four of them, and your DPS has roughly 10 seconds to kill them between each throw. All while moving away from the fires on the ground.

Here's the best part. You'd better hope you survive all of that with everybody alive and at full mana, because then PHASE TWO begins, where you're fighting two Jormangers. Our healers were completely OOM trying to heal through Impale and we had 2 people dead, including the main tank who died twice. And there's a phase 3 too.

Took us four tries to get Gormok down and we thought that would be the end of it. Once we realized it wasn't, we laughed and gave up right away.

Now the Battleground.

1) If you take the Hangar, you win. Almost 90% of the time, the team that takes the Hangar first wins. There's simply nothing that compares to 20+ people dropping bombs on the main gate. Not even the Siege Engine, which spawns far too late, can break the gate as fast as bombs. If you get the majority of your raid inside the enemy base, you basically won and the other team should just give up. They have no hope of defending against bomb spammers, even if they can get the entire team back on defense (which they never do). Gate falls in 2 minutes and the boss goes down in 30 seconds. BG over.

2) The achievements are a joke. Achievements are supposed to be a range of easy and difficult. You can get about 6 of the achievements for Isle of Conquest in one run. They're so damn simple. I'm completely done with the exception of the 100 wins achievement. Not even close with any other battleground in the list for Battlemaster. I think that some achievements shouldn't be part of Battlemaster because they're too hard, like the 1600-1590 win in AB or the 6-minute AV, but this is just a gimme.

Also mad because of all the bugs. So many things bugged. How the hell do they manage to mess it up so badly? I used to cancel Death Grip with Grounding Totem in battlegrounds against DKs. DG will still pull against my Grounding Totem and destroy it, but I still get yanked somehow. That defeats the purpose of Grounding Totem and gets me killed 100% of the time against DKs. It was my only weapon to keep myself at range, and now I have nothing. And they still have the insanely overpowered Anti-Magic Shell, which basically means they're immune to everything I can do, both offensively and defensively, while they obliterate me. Of course that's not all. A bunch of us are getting randomly disconnected. Often. The annoying-ass Totem Bar pops up every time I hearth, change zones, zone in to a dungeon, change specs, swap out a piece of gear, or basically breathe on the screen. And the ONLY way to make it go away is to make a script Macro that you bind to a button you feel comfortable slamming repeatedly because you will see that goddamn giant-ass bar pop up 100 times a day right in the ****ing center of your ****ing screen.

Last edited by Squeek; 08-7-2009 at 07:33 AM..
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