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Old 07-18-2009, 07:03 AM   #10
Let em' do what they want
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Default Re: Divine God's Battle Royale!

Originally Posted by devonin View Post
1/ You can ask a mod to remove posts that deviate from the topic of the tourney at hand, but there's no automatic rule that says other people can't post in these threads. Stop acting like there is. If you really want this to be a "team only" event, carry it out over profiles, PMing or a team forum, or don't be surprised when non-team people post.

2/ If you are not a mod, you have no business telling -anyone- that they will be banned, should be banned, or will be gotten banned. Threatening someone with a banning when you have no actual ability to do so is just trolling, knock it off.

3/ The "Divine Gods" account has been logged into by people on multiple IPs, including Guru who is currently banned. I'd suggest to those of you who can use this account that you not post with it until Guru is unbanned, because otherwise it may have to be banned for evasion anyway just to be safe since he -does- clearly have access to and has accessed the account.

4/ Play nice. If you want someone out of your thread, report the post via the report function or talking to a mod.
Thanks devonin for clarifying that I hope everyone is aware of that and also hope that there will be no more problems in the future for the team's sake.

On another note: Members check on the Divine Gods thread to see which songs you will be playing for your divisions.

Last edited by GG_Guru; 07-18-2009 at 07:16 AM..
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