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Old 07-15-2009, 02:49 AM   #17
Blue Bird
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Default Re: Cheating in Relationships

Originally Posted by richhhhhard View Post
I would never cheat on someone, I do not see the point. However, if you really love someone doesn't that mean that you always want them to be happy? If a physical connection, or the thrill and passion involved, makes that person happier, why would you want to keep them from that? Is there anything more than jealousy involved here?
It's not just jealousy - it's the feeling of betrayal. When your partner cheats, they either tell you, or you find out. Either way, you feel betrayed. You trusted that person, and they did something behind your back. Just because you love them, and want them to be happy regardless of what the decide, it doesn't make things better. It doesn't give them the right to do whatever the **** they want, and you have to be OK because you love them. For cheating to apply, we have to assume that both sides are affectionate for each other, and care about each other to an extent. Someone loves you, and by cheating on them you're basically just taking their love and stepping over it. No decent person would do that on purpose. That's why people usually feel bad after they cheat. No matter how much you still love them, it's not just because you're jealous they did it with someone else. In some rare cases, it is understandable. But in a lot of others, I think there's more than just jealousy when it comes to cheating.

And yeah sorry I wrote it all in one huge paragraph. xD Just woke up and didn't know where to break.
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