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Old 06-15-2009, 07:00 PM   #1704
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Default Re: Rock Band. More Awesome.

Originally Posted by Afrobean View Post
#1: Not being technically proficient doesn't mean that the music they made is objectively bad. That's all I've said. Music can be considered good (as their music is widely regarded) despite being relatively simple in its construction and design.
#2: The instrumentation varies a lot from one of their works to the other, but not being intimately familiar with melodic construction, I can't speak as to how varied their methods of song design were.
maybe true, being average at it doesn't mean that the music they make is "bad" but i would have liked to have seen some instrumental development throughout their time together, the point of doing something is to do it well and as i stated before they never really made advancements now don't jump on my for what i am about to say but one of MY favorite bands iron maiden, each album has the basic melody but than changes key pieces, i can only find two albums of their (seventh son of the seventh son and brave new world) that sound even slightly related. Its not that doing the same thing over and over is bad but a little variety is all i am saying. Simple music isn't bad if its a single piece or even a whole album, i believe it starts to become bad when you build your whole career on this simple music, because the fact that you want to keep it simple means you are going to hit this skill wall. I am not sure if i am speaking of the Beetles or just simple music in general now xD
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