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Old 06-3-2009, 09:27 PM   #55
Solid Dreams
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Default Re: Zelda for Wii in 2010!

Why would I want a futuristic zelda?

I think that FF started to go downhill after they started doing games like that.

What I think would be neat is, like you said, have a dungeon that requires you to keep getting newt hings to complete it.

have you start out in that dungeon, and you're looking for the triforce or something, and everytime you run into a wall you have to go out and hunt out information.

Have things like the ocarina where you can change time, but have the dungeon shift it's entire configuration depending on if it's night or day.

I'd love to see a zelda game that isn't under 10 hours. I want a world that takes me awhile to get places, that I need a train or a boat or anything to get to, that has a ton of places to go to, that has anything...other than what it usually has.

a lot of places that you can go to, but they're mostly empty.

What I really enjoyed about LttP is you can do the dungeons in a different order each game once you get to the dark world.

I'd like to see a game where you could have a helper (not like navi/tweet/whatever his name is/wolf girl) but someone who actually will fight with you, that you can hire for an x amount of time.

You'd need his help to climb up a wall: he might have something that you could use, such as a rope or grappling hook. Give us more AI to work with, rather than Hey! listen! hey!

My main problem is that zelda throws out these awesome ideas...but they don't really go anywhere with them. half of Wind Waker was empty space. fff you get a boat, give me places to go with it!

You shouldn't talk down to people you don't know anything about, acting like you know more and then try to show them up in the forum. That's how you get absolutely no where.

Last edited by Solid Dreams; 06-3-2009 at 09:30 PM..
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