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Old 05-25-2009, 01:09 PM   #1371
Solid Dreams
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Default Re: World of Warcraft

Originally Posted by Squeek View Post
My point isn't even that it's 8sp. My point is that it's not in line with the other professions.

It's worthless to most min-maxers now and they'll drop it as soon as the patch hits. I, however, have no choice because I need the Dragon's Eyes with Hit in them because I'm so damn hit-starved.

Every other profession has a standard for what the gain is. This one is currently above that line, so I agree that it does need a nerf. But it should be nerfed to remain equal to the other professions. That's all I'm saying.

In other news, I tanked my first instance (reg UK) on my DK. Tanking seems like fun, but I'm not going to make my DK a tank since he's a gather-whore and I don't care to give him worthwhile professions to be good. This DK is just about to do the Wrath Gate quest (just saw the cinematic, flying to the duder now). Should be fun.

In Sqek news, I finally got the belt to drop from Naxx. 20 weeks or so of Naxx every week and I never, ever saw Razuvious drop the belt. Which is a record that still hasn't been broken, as the one who dropped the belt was actually Gluth. That was the last thing I needed for Epic, even though I still have i200 rings. Had to re-gem everything for it since the old belt was some heroism emblem vendor cloth thing with Hit, and no spellpower mail has Hit on it (thanks blizz). But even with all the gemming, I wouldn't have been hit-capped. That is, until we ran EOE25 and I got the necklace from the quest reward. Better than every neck in Ulduar, so yeah I'll take it (in fact, not a single neck in uld 25 is even itemized properly for us... once again.)
I still don't like that the whole point of Blacksmithing is to get to 415 to get the sockets. They need to bring back gear that you can only use if you're a specialty, that was a pain in the ass to get, so that you felt like you were getting something out of it.

You shouldn't talk down to people you don't know anything about, acting like you know more and then try to show them up in the forum. That's how you get absolutely no where.
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