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Old 01-31-2005, 05:26 PM   #40
FFR Player
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Small town, TN
Age: 37
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You can only wonder why they would pick Stretchy when there are so many other people I would have picked over her
Notice how wolf kills always follow that pattern on Night 1. They don't want to give us anything to work with. Looks like they did a good job.

And it's been said before, but really all we have to go on are voting patterns, and Day 1 we have none. Hopefully we get lucky and hit a wolf today, but I doubt it =\
So I've gone completely slack-ass and haven't done any work on creating games. =(

In less-depressing news, I got a job for an online business (which sells non-electronic games, of all things!) which has taught me a lot about marketing online and all that jazz.

So now I'm on Twitter @NoahWright.
And I write the blog for their website.

Plus I do cool programming in-house that you'll never see. =O
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