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Old 04-28-2009, 08:01 AM   #32
Them arrows.
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Default Re: What's with the hostility towards Christians?

Actually, to be 100% honest. None of this has ever happened to me (and I'm Catholic). I mean, in reality Jews are made fun of WAY more.

"Oh... he's such a Jew!" "Look at his Jew fro!" "OMG can his noes even fit in his mouth?" "Do you have to wear one of those special caps?" "The Holocaust is a hoax!".... And even more prominant than that is racism, especially to Mexicans/Blacks.
From all my years living on this here planet we call Earth, I have yet to hear someone insult Christians outside of the internet. In fact, even on the internet it's a scarcity.

Actually, my friends are mostly Christian, and everyone else I see, will either never talk about religion, or if they do they'll say something good about Christians.

Well there are some people who tell you you're going to hell etc. But usually they have valid reason for their consensus. I can hardly think of any reason to bash us anyways.

And yo Chacha, maybe you hear about all this stuff on 4-Chan, but at our school this has never happened. Those 4-Chan bastards might say things like that, but in the real world.... And heck, my other friends haven't seen this either. And as for the internet, on my other forum sites this hasen't come yet either. But, if on the off chanc e it does happen to you, all you gotta do is prove them wrong. Like I said, there is no "legitimate" reason to hate us.

“Those who hate me without reason outnumber the hairs of my head; many are my enemies without cause, those who seek to destroy me”

I mean ok, you do hear people talking about gays, but it is usually Christians who disprove of them, or anyone who disproves of them. I can't say I've too many pro-gays at school or on the internet who use it as a way to bash Christians either.

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Last edited by tofurox; 04-28-2009 at 08:24 AM..
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