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Old 04-28-2009, 06:01 AM   #29
Bolth mannn
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Default Re: What's with the hostility towards Christians?

Originally Posted by fullmetal_alchemist027 View Post
The only reason I'll attack a religion is when you get those over-zealous bastards who push every aspect of their being on you, trying to force you to change because "You're following the wrong path."

I couldn't care less about what YOU believe in, so long as it doesn't interfere with MY persons.

I think it's a good thing that some people can draw their will to continue from something like religion. To the right person, it does them good. But a lot of us don't need this, nor do we want it. It seems like, more and more people will follow religions blindly, having absolutely no argument to support their beliefs other than "It's the right way" or "Insert opinion and use it as fact here."

One major issue that seems to plague me when I'm followed by said people, is my beliefs on hell and heaven and such. Just because I don't believe Jesus Christ is my savior, I'm apparently going to hell. This is just stupid. If I don't believe in what YOU believe, I guess I don't have the right to an afterlife (if it does exist). I guess the other few billion people who aren't [insert religion here] don't get to either.

TL;DR - Stop pushing your religion on people, learn to see the world with open eyes, and above all, stop being a freaking idiot about things. (not directed at any one person, incase it crossed someones mind.)
i agree with this.

I want to bring up something else. dont think im being a zealot or anything.

christianity teaches you to be on a good path, to have respect for your own life. for all I know the bible could be the biggest conspiracy in the world, but it sure helps the youth of the world understand themselves and have respect for their own wel-being. You never see proper christians involved in suicides, violent rampages, drunk bashing, or being on Ice or anything of the sort.

most people who don't believe in anything at all are lost and couldnt care less about their life, always wondering if theres anything more. christianity gives you that hope. it helps you believe that your on earth for a reason. god* might not be real, but it definately makes the earth a better place.

*I would like to mention here that im not eliminating every other religion by saying god, all religions give you some sort of purpose. i dont support some of the muslims or whoever they are that blow themselves up to get into 'heaven'
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