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Old 03-13-2009, 07:40 AM   #17
Brilliant Dynamite Neon
nobody fiffers anymore.
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Default Re: Twg iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Dammit, I have an awesome TWG idea and no comp at home. Someone else will have to host it. Look for it later.

EDIT: For my reference, will finish later.

Sonic Unleashed

17 Players
All players receive 50 rings each phase unless otherwise specified.

Dr. Eggman – The genius mad scientist who dreams of ruling the world. His prospects seem to be the best yet, splitting the world apart and harnessing the power of Dark Gaia to create his beloved Eggmanland at last. Will he finally achieve his ambitions? (Master Wolf [modified], must send in a PM first night saying “I wish to be seered as COLOR”. If he does not send a PM, he will seer as DR. EGGMAN until I receive the required PM. Recieves 150 rings each phase.)

EF-NS2010 – The best Fighter model to ever roll off the lines at Eggmanland. This special model has enhanced capabilities in all areas, including high-performance scanning sensors for accurate threat detection.
(Wolf Seer. Can scan one player a night for color. Recieves 100 rings each phase.)

EF-SS1996 – A specialty model created for a special client, who returned it for reasons unknown. While a bit lacking in combat capability, its optic sensors have the highest resolving power of any Egg Fighter, and can discern objects and landmarks at incredible distances.
(Wolf Scavenger. Has a chance of finding items every night. Can withhold items.)

Egg Burst – Its tiny stature and cute movements belie its twisted nature: it would self-destruct without a second thought to take an enemy with it. Because of its small size, it can slip past enemy defenses.
(Suicide Bomber. Can vigi any player, even if they are guarded, at the cost of its own life. To be used wisely!)

Įsržhaēļ – A Nightmare that took a particular liking to Eggman and became his humble servant. No one’s really sure how to pronounce his name. (Regular Wolf)

Sonic - The good doctor is at it again, so it's only natural that a certain blue hedgehog with a thing for speed arrives on the scene to stop him. Things have gotten a little hairy, though: Sonic's the same blue speedster by day, but by night, the energy released by Dark Gaia turns him into a "Werehog", a fanged, clawed, beefed up version of himself with fearsome strength and endurance. This slows him down a bit, but no matter: he's determined to put Eggman in his place, one way or another. (Just Sonic. He has no role title, that's how awesome he is. During the day he will seer BLUE, but will seer RED at night due to his dark form. His incredible endurance allows him to take 2 vigis/wolfings before going down. Any wolf that attacks him during the night will have a 15% chance of eating werehog fist, upped to 40% if they actually manage to take him down. Recieves 150 rings each phase.)

Chip (NPC, not attackable, accompanies Sonic) - Sonic picked up this fairy like creature after the planet split apart, and now wants to help him regain his memory. Chip normally follows Sonic around, but is quick to shy away from danger. (After night two, Chip has a 50% chance of producing any of the following items and giving them to Sonic: Light Energy, Scan Protection, Shield.)

Tails - A young two-tailed fox who considers Sonic to be like an older brother. Outside of his autonomous flight capablities and uncanny mastery of engineering and machinery (his creations have served as vital support to many of Sonic's missions), he has quite a sharp eye as well, and may pick up on certain details - sometimes precious - that others have missed. (Scavenger. Has a chance of finding items each night. Can withhold items.)

Thanks for the memories, folks. u da bes

Last edited by Brilliant Dynamite Neon; 03-13-2009 at 04:00 PM..
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