Thread: Team Blue!!
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Old 01-30-2009, 03:07 PM   #269
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Default Re: Team Blue!!

Originally Posted by DJAirWave View Post
If you have a problem with that, you can quit the team.

Since you, obviously, haven't taken the time ot read the first few posts of this thread, I'll clarify it again.

I'm the founder of Team Blue, but I want the person with the highest rank on the team to be the leader. Besides, those aren't my stats on my profile, those are my friends, she wants to practice on my profile before she makes her own. I play SM.

As for banners, it's taking up alot of space on my computer and it takes away alot of time that I should be studying. Therefore, I need someone to volunteer to take over making banners for new members.

I'm not questioning who founded Team Blue, I'm simply remarking on the irony of you being the one to turn people away due to their ranks when you yourself have the worst rank on the team.......and it doesn't really matter whos stats they are. The point is simply that you're preaching standards that you don't adhere to. Fine, let Tera be the, "leader". I think that's a great idea........but that doesn't change the fact that your ranks suck.
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