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Old 12-31-2008, 02:27 AM   #64
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Default Re: Deep Philosophical Question #1: Would you kill him?

I'd cap that mother****er in the head right after he let those 100 people blow up. Think of all the jobs I would help create with the casket making and the mortician and the preachers. Flower shops spring into action for all of those lost. Cops get hired to track me down. We thrive on things going wrong because it's something to do. Plus think of all the potential meals that those people wouldn't eat. That'd be like 1000 cows who produce methane a serious greenhouse gas contributing to global warming which threatens how many humans and animals and blades of grass etc. Why am I wasting my time? Where is this person? I should be killing people right now!

Right and wrong/good and evil are subjective. The answer is whatever you feel like it should be.
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