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Old 01-7-2005, 11:03 PM   #187
let it snow~
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Default RE: TWG VIII - The Matrix Has You


The groups of four had a large task ahead of them to explore the building completely and search for any useful items within it. The building was littered with empty boxes and heaps of trash that had been neglected for years.

"Do you think we'll EVER find something useful within all this crap?" asks Afrobean.

"I don't know, but it's not like we have anything better to do until we all decide on a vote later," replies Blah.

"So, do you really think Chardish was an agent?"

"I don't know what to tell you. There's no way to be sure, but I certainly hope he was, for our sake."

The conversations are relatively the same amongst every group searching for something... ANYTHING they can use.

"I swear, this is like looking for a needle in a haystack without actually knowing if there's a needle to begin with," complains evilbutterfly to nobody in particular.

As he goes to wipe his brow, he hears what sounds like four extremely loud pops, and looks up to see a large square of the floor above him come crashing down upon him. He barely has time to scream before a shadow comes from nowhere and quickly takes him ten feet outside the area of the incidence. The stone block smashes through the pile of trash he was searching through.

"Wh-what the heck was that?!" stutters evilbutterfly, stunned by his near-death experience. His group members rush to his side from the other side of the room to ensure his safety. All of the others come rushing into his room to investigate the matter.

"Come up here and check this out!" shouts Tsuteto. "There's obviously some foul play at work here!"

Sure enough, upon examining the massive hole in the floor above the spot evilbutterfly was searching, four explosives had been set in a square to drop out the floor right on top of him without giving him time to react.

"So, if their plan to assassinate evilbutterfly was so perfect, what happened?" inquires M-A-C.

"It must have been Seraph" answers Jursey. "I can't believe he actually managed to help us out already!"

After making sure that evilbutterfly was alright, the group decides it is a fine time to make another vote.


It is now Day 2. Here are your voting options.


Day 2 lasts 45 hours because nobody is going to want to be up at one in the morning on a school night. At 10:00pm EST FFR time Sunday night, voting ends. If all goes well, the entire game will be like this time schedule. Note that the FFR time is about 10 minutes slower than the official time as stated by the U.S. government's site and Microsoft's time.

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