Thread: "Time Travel"
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Old 11-30-2008, 10:17 AM   #3
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Default Re: "Time Travel"

Nima was a being from the future, many many years into the future, his stepmania skills were alright for his time, he would be considered a low-middle class player. Nima, getting sick of people ignoring his scores like 14 perfects on 0x1311, saved up his lunch money for several years until he could afford to build a rocket shuttle that moved so fast he could travel faster than light and eventually see back to our current time. Nima did just this, and using his state of the art wireless internet connection that could pick up a connection from anywhere in the universe, he played stepmania in the year 2003. Playing to only get bad scores to look new to the game, Nima wasted a little under 3 years gaining respect in the past stepmania community he had time traveled to. He eventually became the worlds best stepmania player, and could finally show his skills from the future from which he came. Nima made many videos to prove himself legit beforehand, he posted some scores, each better than the last, eventually, his bad 14 perfect score from the future he posted. People had already started to become suspicious by this point, and even more people had been convinced by this score. Nima, not knowing what to do because his camera had broken and he was stuck in space, he couldn't make a new video to prove his legitimacy. Instead of saying that because people would believe he was lying, Nima claimed his past videos are all the proof anyone needed, he had made no mistakes showing judge/.ini in those videos on good scores he claimed. Tsutter, unconvinced by Nima's excuse, continued to call bs upon Nima, as well as many, many more players. At this point, Nima had started to realize some of the differences of the future because of what he had done to the past. Nima knew what he had to do, lie to everyone, but give them what they wanted, and say that he wasn't legit. Nima did this, and saved the future from himself.
Nobody knows for sure what has become of Nima since these events, many believe he still floats around in his space shuttle, commenting on random youtube videos every now and then, other believe he returned back to his own time, and continued to play stepmania.

Last edited by [TeRa]; 11-30-2008 at 10:23 AM..
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