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Old 08-28-2008, 05:45 PM   #18
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Default Re: Ever Just Have One Of Those Days?

Originally Posted by MooMoo_Cowfreak View Post
Yes dude and the fact that you are 18 makes you know so much more about love. All of these things he did for his own reasons, don't try to correct him man.
It's not age, it's common sense that when you're a teenager, you go through relationships like revolving doors, and if you're too stupid to see that, go ahead and be a bleeding heart in the name of love... which you must know so much about as well.

And as I see it, tps did a good thing in giving advice. Yeah, rzr's situation is ****, and I know what it's like to go through a ****storm. But you know what? I didn't have a friend to kick the crap out of me and tell me to man up and get a handle on things. And that's something I sorely needed. So think before you post, will you?

Nothing against you tps, but in the end, really only one thing was rzr's fault, and that was sleeping in the park.
Most of the events ended up getting set in motion by rzr's own actions and how he handled situations. That's not to say that he deserved what he got because of simple mistakes, or that there's any way of helping certain things, but at the same time he should still man up, look at the situation, try to learn from it, and move on to better things.

Unless you recommend wearing heavy black eyeliner on top of caked-up makeup, slitting his wrists, and writing bad poetry about how he'll never love another girl again.

The sky is gray
My soul is black
I cry all day
But you're not coming back
I want to kiss
Your pretty lips
I love the way
You move your hips
I like to eat
Potato chips
You have great feet
My heart, it rips

My tears they stain
They hurt my brain
Can't take the pain
Standing in the rain


But you're gone
And I'm here alone
Nobody to call on the phone
Love is what I want
I need you here with me
Cuz we're meant to be





ps - i hope you all enjoy the poetry. that was taken from the depths of my colon.

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