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Old 12-11-2004, 02:22 PM   #43
FFR Player
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Small town, TN
Age: 37
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People think that others are forgetting that beauty is skin deep, and it's what's on the inside that matters, but what they're forgetting is that what's on the inside in this case is...nothing. She's missing bones. She can't function on her own. Granted, I'm not gonna say "omgosh they should kill her!" because I'm not one to advocate killing, but I will say that I understand the logic behind doing such a thing.

And Jamie, I don't think anybody's saying we should kill off everybody with problems. However, Sparta did it, and they were pretty cool, right? But nah, we should give everybody a fair chance.

PS: has anybody else noticed the rise in people with only 1 or 2 posts? It's scary.
So I've gone completely slack-ass and haven't done any work on creating games. =(

In less-depressing news, I got a job for an online business (which sells non-electronic games, of all things!) which has taught me a lot about marketing online and all that jazz.

So now I'm on Twitter @NoahWright.
And I write the blog for their website.

Plus I do cool programming in-house that you'll never see. =O
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