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Old 12-9-2004, 07:50 PM   #6
FFR Player
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Default RE: Santa claus said he

Santa is such a dick:

Legat0bluesummrs: FUCK

SantaClaus: My goodness. You've earned another lump of coal. I'm sorry but this is the last warning and lump of coal I can promise you. Any more cursing and I'll have to stop talking to you. Please, type menu; let's try to get in the Christmas spirit.


The elves say, 'Make me'.

Legat0bluesummrs: ur elves can suck my wiener

SantaClaus: My goodness. I'm afraid I cannot respond to that kind of talk.
A lump of coal for you.

Legat0bluesummrs: FUK U

SantaClaus: Oh dear! Here we go. I told you once, no cursing. I'm afraid the elves have drawn the line and will stop me from talking to you if you persist with the foul language. Please, type menu; let's try to get in the Christmas spirit.

Legat0bluesummrs: PENIS

SantaClaus: That's quite enough. The elves have terminated our conversation. You are welcome to come back again later if you clean up your act.

Legat0bluesummrs: hi

SantaClaus: Santa is no longer signed on to IM.

Legat0bluesummrs: LIAR
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