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Old 12-2-2004, 01:30 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by alainbryden
If anything I'm suspicious of moogy and qreepy for incessantly pressing the matter when there's clearly no substance to it.
I was thinking that too, kinda, but I didn't want to say anything. Partly because last game I kept thinking Qreepy was a wolf but he wasn't, so I think maybe he just has a habit of doing things that seem wolfy to me.

However, I kinda agree with Moogy's statements, like not being able to trust Tass and his quick attack of Chardish. Not trusting Tass isn't a wolfy idea, it's a human one, I think. I mean, Tass wins every game, so until we know FOR SURE that he's a human, we can't trust him as one. And until we get the seer to scan around some and find people to trust, we can't know who is a wolf and who isn't.

And Chardish...I dunno. Maybe it's just how he plays, being so aggressive, or maybe he's trying to focus us on the wrong thing because he's a wolf. I'm wary of coming out strong against anybody (especially the biggies like him) because I'd instantly be thought a wolf, just like Moogy was.

Hence, for now, my vote stays the same. I need to see how people focus now that everyone seems agreed that Snapps was just being stupid because it's his first game (something I can definitly sympathize with :P). So, now that one possible votee is fading from the picture, I'll see how people accuse and react in the coming day.

Oh, having just said that, I think that's what Snapps meant when he said he was probing for info (or however he worded it). I guess he figured he'd vote for Qreepy to see how he would react, and Qreepy's actions (which, as alain said, are kinda suspicious) only confirmed Snapps action in voting for him. Looking back, it doesn't seem wrong (even though I believe earlier I directly stated that it was XD).
So I've gone completely slack-ass and haven't done any work on creating games. =(

In less-depressing news, I got a job for an online business (which sells non-electronic games, of all things!) which has taught me a lot about marketing online and all that jazz.

So now I'm on Twitter @NoahWright.
And I write the blog for their website.

Plus I do cool programming in-house that you'll never see. =O
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