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Old 11-7-2004, 08:52 PM   #12
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Default Re: RE: TWG II - Postgame Analysis

The beginning of this game reminded me of The Crucible. Anyone else notice that?

Originally Posted by whorlichan
You don't think making an alliance of people you know are not evil to fight against those who you are unsure of or certain of as evil is intelligent?

I guess you think that whole UN thing is pretty worthless too.
I support the idea of making an alliance of people I KNOW are not evil. The problem is that unless I'm the seer, I have no way of knowing if the person I'm talking to is good or not. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, could be lying, and just because someone else backs them up doesn't mean that person also got lied to or is lying themselves. You can hardly blame a real-life human being for not trusting the unknown.

We got lucky this game - not every game has the seer, psychic and guardian all find each other on Day 1 - and the fact that the odds were already stacked in human favor (as they had four more members than the standard amount) didn't help the wolves either. That's why it came down to "hunt and peck", as Tass put it. If we had the standard starting 14 the endgame wouldn't have been that easy.

Originally Posted by MrESqueek
Two - Kilga, the reason I offed you is because you noticed my strategy and I didn't want you to spread it around. It doesn't help IF THE SEER AND THE GUARDIAN BOTH KNOW EACH OTHER, ALONG WITH EVERYONE ELSE.
I did what now?

Originally Posted by MrESqueek
By the way, Chardish, something needs to be done about AIM with this game. I mentioned it to you, but I'll say it to everyone.

Let's say I have my "Maple Story" away message up and I return from the game to see that Chardish IMs me with the question "Who are you going to get rid of tonight?". I reply and he updates the page. Anyone that sees my status on aim change from away to back and then sees the post update will OBVIOUSLY KNOW what's going on. It tips off the fact that I may have a special role. And if you know who has all the other ones, it's basically, "Oh, right. Let's SEER Squeek." And if you don't have time for that, just vote me off anyway!
I watched clouds awobbly from the floor o' that kayak. Souls cross ages like clouds cross skies, an' tho' a cloud's shape nor hue nor size don't stay the same, it's still a cloud an' so is a soul. Who can say where the cloud's blowed from or who the soul'll be 'morrow? Only Sonmi the east an' the west an' the compass an' the atlas, yay, only the atlas o' clouds.
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