Thread: LOL
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Old 08-1-2008, 12:59 AM   #1
FFR Player
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Posts: 4
Smile LOL

Its funny how people in mp are calling me a hacker, I keep telling them I play SM, but no they don't believe me. One of them said there was no way a person like me could get such scores on various higher leveled songs on this site for the time I have been here...which is about a year. I don't play FFR much because I don't really feel the need to. I consider myself to be intermediate level on SM, so don't get excited if you want to see epic scores because, they aren't.

I lack hard on jacks and speed in general

Average score on an average song

I was pleased with this one but the 32nds still give me hard time

This songs just sounds cool

As you can see those aren't that great, its not my fault FFR is lenient. Since I pissed off so many people with legitimacy, I'm going to play FFR all day long and piss off even more people =^_^=

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