Thread: The Dark Knight
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Old 07-20-2008, 11:44 AM   #55
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Default Re: The Dark Knight

Originally Posted by _Adrian_ View Post
i love the new costume afrobean, to me it just looks better, more sleek and ninja-like!
Batman's not a ninja. If he were, he wouldn't have the ears, cape, gadgets, mask, or bat symbol on his chest. He also would sneak up on people and kill them silently, instead of brutalizing evil doers in order to extrapolate information from them.

Look, we've already seen an orphaned man turn to a life of crime fighting. I wouldn't want to see that again, because all it would be is Wayne babysitting this new guy. It would be an annoying retread of the first movie, but without Bruce turning into the villain at the end.
Dick's take on it is a little different than Bruce's. I like to think of it more as a parallel than a "retread". Notice that Bruce didn't have a mentor in his youth, particularly not one of the sort that Batman is to Robin. Notice also that they can go ANYWHERE with a confrontation with Zucco, drawing from any number of sources, potentially even creating an entirely new idea behind it. To be brutally honest, I wouldn't even mind seeing Dick without donning a Robin costume the entire film... I just hate the idea of blockading the character outright without giving him a chance at all.

And like I said, it wouldn't be hard for the character of Dick Grayson to be old enough to not need "babysitting", because frankly, it would be very irresponsible for Bruce to allow a child to accompany him on his adventures. And why would the mentor need to become the villain in the end? Is it wrong for a mentor to remain as a mentor UNTIL DICK GOES "DUDE YOU BEAT UP GUYS TOO MUCH BRB NIGHTWINGING IT UP LOL".

All in all though, I just love the idea of Bruce's attempts to surround himself with a family that he never had. It's interesting for me to think of, considering the nature of Batman ironically makes it so difficult to actually achieve this. In the films, his inability to maintain relationships seems to be specifically limited to the flavor-of-the-week ladies in the films (and eventually Miss Dawes in the new reboot), but I'd love to see the notion entertained in relation to the extended family that springs up in other tellings of the Batman mythos.

Originally Posted by WhisperOfOblivion View Post
Robin would ruin the series.
Can you explain to me why Robin would ruin this film series even though Robin did NOT ruin any other set of Batman continuity?

The only argument I could think of would be to cite Batman Forever, but that pile of **** was destined for failure with or without Robin, just like Batman & Robin was destined to suck ass with or without Batgirl.
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