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Old 06-12-2008, 08:44 PM   #1
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Default jTWG XLVII: A Night Under The Iraqi Sky

First off, let me apologize for this ****. I am terribly sorry about having to restart the game. I think we can, however, be greatful that we were not deep into the game.

Secondly, I'll explain what happened, though, I don't want to go too far into detail. The actual medic, pnt, and I got into an argument. He thought that, as the original idea went, he'd be allowed to choose which side he would be joining. He was wrong. Secondly, after I recieved a few night PM's I noticed something wrong. So, I reread some of the initial role messages, and a few of the roles sent out were errors. They got switched in the process, giving some people other roles.

Again, I'm terribly sorry. Please, don't get mad, it happens. I will add the player list and original story, etc, shortly.

I would rather have played it safe, than sorry.

Furthermore, the night phase has begun. It will end tomorrow, Friday, at 7:00 PM EST.

16 Players Total

4 Wolves -
Master Wolf
Wolf Elemental
Lone Wolf/Anti-Medic

Special Wolf Details:
Master Wolf - Seers green.
Wolf Elemental - Has 1 vigi, 1 seering, and 1 guarding that can be used at ANY TIME. The event will occur at the end of the phase, but the powers may be used during any phase. If the vigi is used on the LW/Anti-Medic is woll fail. If the seering is used on the LW/Anti-Medic it will return with the exact role.
Wolf - Regular wolf.
Lone Wolf/Anti-Medic - Does not know the other wolves. This wolf sends in a kill each night also. It has a 30% success rate, whereas the regular wolves have 70%. Both will not succeed, only one. ALSO, this player counter acts the Medic. As long as s/he is alive, the success rate of the Medic reviving someone is 50%. This is done automatically.

4 blues -


Special Blue Details:
Elemental - has 1 vigi, 1 seering, and 1 guarding that can be used at any time. The event will occur at the end of the phase.
Seer - Can see the color of one player each night
Guardian - Can guard the life of one player each night.
Medic - Chooses one person to revive each night. THEY MUST DO THIS. They have a 50% chance of success.

Other details and important roles:
- There is a red miller. They do not know that they are the Red Miller.
- There is no card-flipping.
- There is night posting.
As far as talking to the living after death, since there's a medic I'm not concerned on if you do or not, it's at your own risk.

In conclusion, here's the game, enjoy it. I'm so thrilled to have all these veteran players here. This game will be a challenge to host, I'm really looking forward to it. Have fun!
Attention, soldiers! This is Commander In Chief Ar Zee Ar. I am the president of The United States of America. The sixteen of you are the most impressive and well trained American soldiers of our time. From Privates to Generals, you all are the elite. However, there is a small error. Four of the sixteen have become traitors. We will be running missions, once a day, and once a night, over a course of the next few weeks. We will be weeding out the individuals that we deem most suspicious of treason, and they shall die. Expect no less, no mercy, no repentance, from the United States. We except nothing but the best from our soldiers. Our intelligence agencies and scouts have discovered the following:

1 - There are four total traitors.
2 - Three of them know the others.
3 - One of them deserted the others, they seek to prevent our Medic from succeeding in his duties and reunite himself with his comerades.
4 - One of them will always appear American.
5 - One of them has the ability to snipe, use night-vision, and protect.
6 - One is a regular traitor.
7 - We have four PFC's.
8 - One of them has the ability to reveal his fallen brothers.
9 - One has night-vision
10 - One can protect his friends.
11 - One can snipe, use night-vision, and protect.
================================================== =====================
Furthermore, we have discovered that one of our soldiers will appear as a traitor under night-vision. We also know that our Medics success rate is 50%.
Now is the time. You must defend your country. You must prevail. You must not allow terrorism to rule the modern world!
================================================== =====================

1. Lightdarkness (lightdarkness42)
2. Massflavour (Massflavour)
3. Xplayfan (JONALEON1)
4. argo15 (argo1516)
5. emerald000 (emerald3x0)
6. sc979 (Sam97379)
7. DrKirth (drkirth)
8. EnR (ryanffr)
9. roundbox (tehroundbox)
10. DarkMantocreX2 (darkmanticorex2)
11. lightknight924 (nakah92)
12. jwcgator (jwcgator2)
13. t3hDDRKid (TheVisualParadox)
14. pntballa18 (merlonifan28)
15. x3rohour (doppelbox)
16. heavylee (heavyleah)


Originally Posted by darkshark View Post
Everyone sucks at this game. The second you think you're good is the second you stop trying to get better.
Originally Posted by aperson View Post
i had a mri the other day it was the best song i heard in years

Originally Posted by Sprite-
More of a joke than the time I deleted all the credits on the site.
Originally Posted by MinaciousGrace View Post
yeah my goldfish think im a riot they do this thing where they turn upside down and float to the top of the tank

i guess their alcohol tolerance isnt as high as mine

Last edited by rzr; 06-19-2008 at 11:00 PM..
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