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Old 06-10-2008, 10:28 AM   #3
Praise the sun mofo
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Default Re: Food For Thought

Didn't read Reach's post because I don't feel like reading that much more but here's something I wanted to point out:
what if heaven is universal for all religions? if man was made with one of the primary thought processes to be the capacity for religious belief, to me that somewhat proves that there is a god.
Well what if man wasn't made with the primary thought processes to be the capacity for religious belief, and they just grew up to learn that and go with the flow? Maybe not everyone is born and knows about god right away, they grow up and learn about it and just stick with it, therefore that would contradict your part about proveing(sp?) there is a god.
(I don't post in CT a lot, and I just woke up so this might sound like rambling on).
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