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Old 05-19-2008, 05:36 PM   #1
FFR Veteran
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Default Help with DVD-RW :/

I recorded myself playing Death Piano because my rank 10 score got taken away..

So I recorded myself with a Panasonic Video Recorder..?

It uses a DVD-RW (The 1.4GB, 30 MIN, 2x ones)..

So I pop the DVD-RW into my computer and.. to my surprise, when I try to read the files on it (namely the videos..), it asks if I want to format my DVD-RW or not, and that's just about as far as I can get into my DVD-RW.

So.. how the heck do I rip the video files that are on the DVD-RW 1.4GB? I can seem to watch it fine on my recorder, but no where else can I read these files (or even be able to touch them..)

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