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Old 05-16-2008, 05:02 PM   #14
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Default Re: World Population

UN, in my opinion, is only effective at its hunger and relief scheme. They aren't allowed to raise arms, thus, not so effective in conflict resolution. Also, a huge part of the making of US was because the League of Nations weren't doing so hot with their proposed laws, trying to prevent wars.

Population is a problem and it will forevermore be. You can lack and be overruned by people. Some complain, minorities mostly, that they need more people in their band to preserve culture. Others complain they have too many and attempt to limit birth, China for example. The mortality rate will, perhaps, always, exceed the death rate. Your only realistic hope of ridding the overruned is by a natural disaster, epidemic, or war. Like the earthquake SheeChuan, China last week that killed over 11,000 people, only a calamity of some sort will regulate population so that Death > Birth.
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