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Old 05-15-2008, 08:46 PM   #18
new hand moves = dab
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Default Re: I doubt any of you remember/know me

niga pat

is back

with a hat

but is he really back?

i heard he was dead

what the ****'s up, you've missed a lot

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm where to start

People stopped playing index, basically. Just about every current indexer is far below the skill level you had in '04 or whatever. Everyone plays spread pretty much. Stepfile artists you'd be interested in depends entirely on if you ever picked up spread. The most recent index stepfiles were probably Gamepro's, who changed his name to Rebirth. Then again, as long as you're still anywhere near as good as you were, you could play some of the slightly older 4-finger stuff.

Most of the people who still play SM competitively moved over to ODI. I don't know if you ever posted on, but I think that's kinda where most of them came from. Others started playing after you left, as well.

I don't really play anymore, but I can pretty much fill you in on anything else you want to know. Welcome back duder :>>>>>>>>> ps I miss KHS :<<<<<<<<<<<<
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